Weekly Tab of the Activity Calendar

Use the Weekly tab to review your activities for the current week, a previous week, or any week in the future, or to schedule or modify activities. The calendar shows scheduled tasks and activities for which you are the owner or an attendee.


Field Description
Employee's Name and Date The Activity Calendar displays your name and the current date or the date of the selected activity.
Monthly Calendar

When you open the Weekly tab, today's date is outlined on the monthly calendar in the left pane. Click a different day in this calendar to display a different week on the right side of the Weekly tab.

To change the month, click the arrows:

  • Click to display the previous month.
  • Click to display the next month.
Show Legend/Hide Legend This option works as a toggle. Click Show Legend to display the color-coding scheme for the activities on the calendar. Click Hide Legend to close the color-coding scheme.

The activities on your Activity Calendar are color-coded. When you schedule an activity, you can classify the time spent on the activity in one of the following ways: Free, Busy, Tentative, or Out of the Office. When Ajera CRM adds the activity to your calendar, the activity is shaded accordingly.

Selected Week Label The week that is currently selected on the monthly calendar in the left pane displays to the right of the monthly calendar. Use the arrows to the left and right of the date label to display the calendar for a different week.
  • Click to display the previous week.
  • Click to display the calendar for the following week.
Modify the Calendar View Use the two fields to the right of the selected week label to modify your calendar view. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
  • Month of — This displays a specific month on the Monthly tab.
  • Day of — This displays a specific day on the Daily tab.
  • Week of — This displays a specific week on the Weekly tab.
  • Today — This displays today on the Daily tab.

After you select Month of, Day of, or Week of, enter a date in the date field to the right of this field and click Go. The appropriate tab opens and displays your calendar schedule for the selected date.

When you select Today, the Daily tab opens and displays today's schedule.

Delete Activities To delete an activity, click the activity on the calendar then click this option. You can delete only those activities for which you are the designated owner.
Weekly Calendar Days On the right side of the Weekly tab, the weekly calendar displays each day of the week (Monday through Sunday) for the week that you selected. If you have an activity scheduled, the name and time of the activity display in the appropriate date field on the calendar.

Only meetings, phone calls, and tasks display on the Activity Calendar. Tasks do not include a time and they display only if you click View > Tasks on the Activity Calendar toolbar. Other activity types, such as email and merge activities, do not display on the Activity Calendar.

You can perform the following actions on the Weekly tab:

  • Click the activity name to open the Activity dialog box and view the activity details. If you are the designated owner, you can also use the Activity dialog box to modify the activity details.
  • Double-click a day's heading or in a blank spot in the day on the calendar to schedule a new activity on the selected date.
  • Click an activity in the weekly calendar to select it, and then click Delete Activities to delete the activity from your calendar. You can delete only those activities for which you are the owner.