Activities Filter Dialog Box

Use the Activities Filter dialog box to specify the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

On the Activities grid toolbar of the Activity Manager form, or any of the Info Centers that support activities, click Filter Options.


Filter Options

The following filter options are available with both Standard and Advanced filters:

Field Description
Filter Type Click in this field to display filter options.
  • Standard — This option uses a standard set of search criteria to apply filters.
  • Advanced — This option uses simple search queries that you create to apply filters.
Searches Click beside this field to open a list of saved searches. Ajera CRM displays one or two folders that contain saved Activities filters. Based on your security rights, you may have access to a Personal folder and a Global folder. Click a saved filter in one of the folders to view the filter options or modify them.
Organize Click this button to open the Organize Options dialog box, and save the filter options that you specified for the Activities grid. After you save your filter options, they are available when you select the Open Filter option from any Activities grid.
Clear Click this button to clear the options that you selected and reset the default selections on the Activities Filter dialog box. The dialog box remains open, so you can select a new set of filter options.
Apply Click this button to close the Activities Filter dialog box and apply your filter options to the Activities grid.
Cancel Click this button to close the Activities Filter dialog box. Your filter options are not applied to the Activities grid.
Help Click this button to view help for the Activities Filter.

Standard Filter Options

Select Standard from the drop-down list in the Filter Type field to display the following Standard filter options.

Field Description
View by Type If you assign types to your activities when you schedule an activity, use the check boxes in this section to select which types of activities, such as Meetings or Phone Calls, to display in the Activities grid. Select a check box to have that type of activity display in the Activities grid. Clear a check box if you do not want that type of activity to display in the Activities grid.

Use the Activity Types Code Table in Code Table Configuration to define additional activity types.

If you add types to the Activity Types Code Table, you must select the Other check box in the View by Type section to display those activities in the Activities grid. The types that you add do not display individually in the View by Type section.

View by Date Use the options in this section to select the calendar dates of the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.
Date Options Use the drop-down list in this field to select the calendar dates for the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid. The options are:
  • None — This displays all activities, regardless of the date on which they occur.
  • Today — This displays activities for today's date only.
  • Today and Future — This displays activities for today's date and all dates in the future.
  • Today and Past — This displays activities for today's date and all dates in the past.
  • Range — This displays activities that fall within a range of dates. If you select this option, you must complete the From and To fields in this section.
  • This Week — This displays activities for the current week only.
  • This Month — This displays activities for the current month only.
  • Next 7 Days — This displays activities for the next 7 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 14 Days — This displays activities for the next 14 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 30 Days — This displays activities for the next 30 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 60 Days — This displays activities for the next 60 days only (this includes the current day).
  • Next 90 Days — This displays activities for the next 90 days only (this includes the current day).
From/To These fields are enabled when you select the Range option in the Date Options field. Use these fields to specify the range of dates for which you want to display activities. Ajera CRM displays all activities that occur on and between the dates that you specify.

In the From field, enter the first date for which you want to display activities in the Activities grid.

In the To field, enter the last date for which you want to display activities in the Activities grid.

Click in either field to select a date from the drop-down calendar.

View by Status Use the drop-down list in this field to select the status of the activities that you want to display in the Activities grid.

The activity status options are:

  • None — View all activities, regardless of their status
  • Pending — View only activities with a pending status
  • Completed — View only activities with a completed status

When you schedule an activity, the activity status displays as Pending. To modify the status from Pending to Completed, select the activity from the Activity Calendar, Activity Manager, the Info Center, or the Dashboard. Then open the Activity dialog box, and select the Completed option on the Details tab.

View by Association Grid This grid lists the various associations available for the Activities filter. Depending on your record access rights in Security Configuration, you can select one or more records in the Info Center as filter criteria for the activity.

When you open the Activities Filter dialog box from the Info Center, the field that corresponds to the record type that you have open displays the name of the record that you have open. For example, if you have the ABC Systems client record open, then ABC Systems displays in the Client field.

Grid Options Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Type of Association This column lists the different types of associations for the activity filter, including standard and user-defined info centers. Click on a column to select additional criteria for the association.
Records Use this field to specify an individual record for the type of association. You can enter your own selection criteria to have Ajera CRM search for matching records, or click to access the associated lookup dialog box.
Primary Select this option to display activities for which the selected association is the primary contact or lead. For example, if you are searching activities for the contact named Joe Smith, and the Primary option is selected, Ajera CRM searches for activities where Joe Smith is marked as the primary contact.

Advanced Filter Options

Select Advanced from the drop-down list in the Filter Type field to display the following Advanced filter options.

Field Description
Move Up Click an item in the Activities Filter grid, and then click this option to move the item up in the grid.
Move Down Click an item in the Activities Filter grid, and then click this option to move the item down in the grid.
Insert Click this option to insert a new row on the Activities Filter grid.
Copy Click this option to copy search criteria from an existing row to a new row on the Activities Filter grid.
Delete Click this option to delete an existing row from the Activities Filter grid.
Search Field Click this field to access a drop-down list from which you select search type criteria. Your selection determines what type of activity data the search looks for. Search type options include fields such as Activity Completion Status, Activity Owner, Client Name, and Opportunity Name.
Operator Click this field to access a drop-down list from which you select an operator for the advanced search. The operator is applied to the criteria that is specified in the Search List field. It further limits the results that are returned for your search type.
Search List Click this field to display or . The icon that displays depends on your selection of Search Field. For example:
  • If you select Activity Start Date in the Search Field, displays. This allows you to access a calendar and select a date to use in your search.
  • If you select Project Name In the Search Field, displays. This allows you to access a Project Lookup and select the project records to include in the search.

Click the icon in this field and use the corresponding lookup list or calendar to select the values that you want to use for the search. Ajera CRM then applies the operator selected in the Operator field to the values selected in the Search List field to retrieve matching records for the specified Search Field.

Cond Your advanced search can contain multiple search types. Click this field to display a drop-down list to link adjoining rows on the Advanced Search grid.

The options are:

  • ANDAjera CRM retrieves records only if they match the criteria specified in each linked row.
  • ORAjera CRM retrieves records if they match the criteria specified in any linked row.

Leave this field blank in the last row of your advanced search.