Activity Manager Form

Use the Activity Manager form to schedule, copy, delete, and modify activities for your clients, contacts, leads, marketing campaigns, employees, opportunities, and projects.

You can also use the Activity Manager to review the details of all completed or pending activities to which you have Ajera CRM security access.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Calendar/Activities > Activity Manager.


Form Toolbar

Field Description
Save Click this option to save activity entries or modifications and to save changes to your Activity Filter options.
Print Click this option to open a drop-down list with the following print options:
  • Print Current — Select this option to print an activity report for the activity that is currently selected in the Activities grid.
  • Print All — Select this option to print an activity report for all the activities displayed in the Activities grid.

Merge Click this option to open a drop-down list with the following merge options:
  • Merge Current — Select this option to merge data from the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
  • Merge All — Select this option to merge data from all the activities displayed in the Activities grid.

This option displays on the Activity Manager toolbar only after you create at least one merge template and associated it with the Activities record type.

Help Click this option to view help for the Activity Manager.

Activities Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Activities Manager Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Filter Options Use this option to specify your own criteria to filter the activities that display in the Activities grid. Filtering allows you to limit the list of activities in the grid to only those activities that you want to see at a given time. For example, you may want to view only activities for which you are an attendee, activities for a specific project, or activities that are pending only.

When you click Filter Options, the Activities Filter dialog box displays and allows you to specify filter options for the Activities grid.

After you apply a filter, your selection is saved and applied the next time that you open the Activity Manager. You can modify your filter settings at any time. Ajera CRM does not automatically apply the filter settings that you specify in the Activity Manager to any of the Activities grids that display in the Info Center until you save the settings.

Open Filter Click this option to display previously saved activities filters. Select a filter to apply to the Activities grid. Based on your security rights, you may have access to activities filters in a Personal folder and in a Global folder.
Edit You can modify an activity's information directly in the Activities grid. Alternatively, you can select an activity in the grid, and click Edit to modify the activity's information on the Activity dialog box. To select an activity in the grid, click anywhere in its row. The edits that you make on the dialog box are updated automatically to the grid and vice versa.

Edit displays only if you have appropriate access rights to activities. Your system administrator specifies your role's access rights on the Record Access tab in Security Roles Configuration.

Insert To add a new activity to the grid, click this option, and enter activity information on the Activity dialog box that displays. Insert displays only if you have appropriate access rights to activities. Your system administrator specifies your role's access rights on the Record Access tab in Security Roles Configuration.

After you insert an activity into the grid, it displays in the Activities grid. You can modify the activity directly in the grid or modify it by clicking the Edit option on the grid toolbar to open the Activity dialog box. The edits that you make on the dialog box are updated automatically to the grid and vice versa.

Copy To create a new activity by copying an existing activity, select an activity in the Activities grid, and click this option. This option displays only if you have appropriate access rights to activities. Your system administrator specifies your role's access rights on the Record Access tab in Security Roles Configuration.
Delete To delete an activity, click anywhere in its row to select it, and click this option. This option displays only if you have appropriate access rights to activities. Your system administrator specifies your role's access rights on the Record Access tab in Security Roles Configuration.

Activities Grid

By default, the Activities grid displays all activities (for all employees, projects, and so on). Private activities display only if you are the owner, creator, or an attendee of the activity. You may not be able to view other types of activities, or groups of activities, depending on the activity access rights defined for your role on the Record Access tab of Security Roles Configuration.

The Activities grid contains the same fields that you completed on the Activity dialog box when used the Insert toolbar option to initially create an activity. In the Activities grid, you can view and edit activity information. There are a few exceptions as noted below. You can also use the Edit toolbar option to open the Activity dialog box to view or modify activity information. The edits that you make in the Activities grid are updated automatically to the Activity dialog box and vice versa.

Use Filter Options on the grid toolbar to control which activities display in the grid.

To sort information in the Activities grid, click a column heading in the grid. The grid is sorted by the content of the column in ascending order. For example, when you click the Priority column heading, the grid items are sorted by priority. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order and sort in descending order. Ajera CRM saves your current sort selection when you exit the Activity Manager.

Field Description
Completed Select this check box when an activity is completed. Leave the check box cleared if the activity is pending.
Type Click this field, and then click the down arrow to open a list of activity types. Select the activity type, such as Meeting or Phone Call for the activity. Use the Activity Types code table in Code Table Configuration to define additional activity type values for the drop-down list.
Subject Enter a brief description of the activity, or use the drop-down list in this field to select a subject from a list of pre-defined values. Typically, the subject is a short, descriptive statement, such as Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, or Follow-up Visit. You define activity subject values for the drop-down list in the Activity Subject code table, in Code Table Configuration.

When you selected Milestone in the Type field for an activity, the drop-down list in the activity Subject field contains only the subjects that have been designated for use with the Milestone activity type (in the Activity Subject code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables).

Start Date This is the start date and start time that was entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box for the activity. To edit this field, click Edit on the Activities grid toolbar and change the start date on the Activity dialog box.
Priority Click this field, and then click the down arrow to open a list of priorities. Select a different priority ranking for the activity. This indicates the relative importance of an activity. The priority rankings are High, Medium, and Low.
End Date This is the end date and end time that was entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box for the activity. To edit this field, click Edit on the Activities grid toolbar and change the end date on the Activity dialog box.
Owner Typically, the activity owner is the person (employee) who schedules the activity. Click the blue, underlined name in this field to open and view the employee record in the Employee Info Center for the activity owner. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then click Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open the employee record in the Employee Info Center.

To change the owner, right-click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Employee Lookup and select an employee.

Vendor This column displays the vendor that is associated with the activity. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Vendor Contact This column displays the primary contact from the vendor that is associated with the activity. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Vendor Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the vendor contact's business phone number that is entered in the Contact Info Center record.
Client This is the client who is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name in this field to open and view the client record in the Client Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then click Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open the client record in the Client Info Center.

To select a different client, right-click the blue, underlined name, and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Client Lookup and select a client.

Client Contact This is the name of the primary contact who is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name to open and view the contact record in the Contact Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then select Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open and view the contact record in the Contact Info Center.

To select a different contact, right click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Contact Lookup and select a contact.

Client Contact Phone This displays the contact's business phone number that is entered in the Contact Info Center.
Opportunity This is the name of the opportunity that is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name to open and view the opportunity record in the Opportunity Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then select Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open and view the opportunity record in the Opportunity Info Center.

To select a different opportunity, right click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Opportunity Lookup and select an opportunity.

Project This is the project that is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name to open and view the project record in the Project Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then select Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open and view the project record in the Project Info Center.

To select a different project, right click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Project Lookup and select a project.

Marketing Campaign This is the name of the marketing campaign that is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name to open and view the marketing campaign record in the Marketing Campaign Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then select Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open and view the marketing campaign record in the Marketing Campaign Info Center.

To select a different marketing campaign, right click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Marketing Campaign Lookup and select a marketing campaign.

Lead This is the name of the primary lead who is associated with the activity. Click the blue, underlined name to open and view the lead record in the Lead Info Center. Alternatively, right-click the blue, underlined name, and then select Open in new window in the shortcut menu to open and view the lead record in the Lead Info Center.

To select a different opportunity, right click the blue, underlined name and select Edit from the shortcut menu. Then click in the field to open the Lead Lookup and select a lead.

Lead Phone This field displays the primary lead's business phone number as entered in the Leads Info Center.
Location This is the location where the activity occurred or will occur. You can change it directly in this field.
Notes This is the note that was entered for the activity. Click the blue, underlined text in the field to open the Text Editor and modify the note. If an activity has no notes and you want to add some, click this field to display . Click this icon to open the Text Editor and add notes.

Details Section

The Details section displays detailed information for activities. To edit activity detail, make the edits directly in the Activities grid, or click Edit on the Activities grid toolbar to open the Activity dialog box.

Field Description
Subject This field displays a brief description of the activity that is currently selected in the Activities grid. Typically, the subject is a short descriptive statement, such as Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, or Follow-up Visit.
Location This field displays the location (where the activity occurred or will occur) for the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Type This field displays the activity type, such as Meetings or Phone Calls, for the activity currently selected in the Activities grid. You can define activity type values in the Activity Types Code Table in Code Table Configuration.
Priority This field displays the priority ranking of the activity currently selected in the Activities grid. The priority rankings that are used to indicate the relative importance of activities are High, Medium, and Low.
Private A check mark in this check box indicates that the activity currently selected in the Activities grid is a private activity. You can view a private activity only if you are the owner, creator, or attendee of the activity.
Completed A check mark in this check box indicates that the activity currently selected in the Activities grid has been completed.
Start Time These two fields display the start date and time for the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
End Time These two fields display the end date and time for the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Client This field displays the name of the client associated with the currently selected activity.
Primary Contact This field displays the name of the primary contact associated with the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Opportunity This field displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Project This field displays the name of the project associated with the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Activity Owner This field displays the name of the activity owner for the activity currently selected in the Activities grid.
Created By This field displays the name of the employee who created the activity currently selected in the Activities grid (the employee who entered the activity into the Ajera CRM database).

Notes Section

Field Description
Notes This text box displays the notes that are entered for an activity. To add or edit the notes, do either of the following:
  • Click the blue, underlined note in the Notes field in the Activities grid. This opens the Text Editor.
  • Click anywhere in an activity's row in the Activities grid to select it, and click Edit on the grid toolbar. This opens the Activity dialog box.
Review Click this option to open the Text Viewer dialog box and display the full Notes text box.