Activity Reminders

Use the Activity Reminder feature if you want to receive a reminder at a specified time before the start of an activity. You can set up an activity reminder anytime that you schedule an activity.

On the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box, use the Reminder check box and Remind me before fields to set a reminder to occur before the start time of the activity. The Reminder option is automatically selected each time that you schedule a new activity. Clear the option if you do not want to receive a reminder for the activity.

To receive activity reminders, you must have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) role type. Your system administrator sets up user role types in Security Roles Configuration.

You can choose to receive email activity reminders, pop-up activity reminders, or both.

  • Email Reminder — An email reminder for an activity is sent to your email address at the reminder time specified for the activity. You do not have to be logged on to Ajera CRM to receive an email reminder.
  • Pop-up Reminder — A pop-up reminder displays on your screen at the reminder time specified for the activity. You must be logged on to Ajera CRM to receive a pop-up reminder. If you are not logged on to Ajera CRM when a pop-up reminder is sent, the reminder displays the next time that you log on.

To change the way in which you receive reminders, use the Activity tab of the User Options dialog box.