Recurrence Tab of the Activity Dialog Box

Use the Recurrence tab to flag an activity as a recurring event and to specify the frequency and duration of the recurrence.

When you set up a recurring activity, the settings stay in effect for each occurrence of the activity. This saves you time and ensures that the activity information remains the same for each scheduled occurrence of the activity. If you modify the activity, the changes affect each occurrence of the activity.

Recurring activities display on the Activity Calendar (and your Dashboard) on the date of each occurrence. However, recurring activities display only once (as a single record) in Info Center Activities grids and in the Activity Manager.


Field Description
Recurring Activity Select this option to set up a recurring activity.
Recurrence Type Use the drop-down list to select the frequency at which the activity will occur: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. The option that you select in this field determines the fields that display in the Pattern section on the Recurrence tab.
Pattern Use the fields in this section to enter additional information about the frequency at which the activity will occur. The fields that display in this section depend on the option that you select in the Recurrence type field.

If you select Daily in the Recurrence type field, the following options display in the Pattern section:

  • Every ... day(s) — Select this option and enter a number in the box, if the activity occurs every few days (for example, every 3 days, 30 days, and so on).
  • Every weekday — Select this option if the activity occurs every weekday (Monday through Friday).

If you select Weekly in the Recurrence type field, the following options display in the Pattern section:

  • Recurs every ... week(s) on: — Enter a number in this field to indicate how often the weekly activity occurs (1 for every week, 2 for every other week, and so on).
  • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday — Select the day of the week on which the activity occurs.

If you select Monthly in the Recurrence type field, the following options display in the Pattern section:

  • Day ... of every ... month(s) — Select this option if the activity occurs on the same date each month. In the first field, enter the day of the month on which the activity occurs (this must be a numeric value, such as 5, 15, or 30). In the second field, enter the monthly frequency at which the activity occurs (that is, 1 for every month, 2 for every other month, and so on).
  • The ... ... of every ... month(s) — Select this option if the activity occurs on the same day each month. In the first and second fields, use the drop-down lists to select the day on which the activity occurs (for example, First Monday). In the third field, enter the monthly frequency at which the activity occurs (that is, 1 for every month, 2 for every other month, and so on).

If you select Yearly in the Recurrence type field, the following fields display in the Pattern section:

  • Every ... ... — In the first field, use the drop-down list to select the month during which the activity occurs each year. In the second field, enter the day of the month on which the activity occurs each year.
  • ... ... of every ... — In the first field, use the drop-down list to select First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last. In the second field, use the drop-down list to select a day of the week, or Day, Weekend Day, or Weekday. In the third field, use the drop-down list to select the month during which the activity occurs each year.
Appointment Time Use the options and fields in this section to select a duration for the recurring activity. The options are:
  • Start — Use the drop-down list to enter the time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
  • End — Use the drop-down list to enter the time that the activity is scheduled to end.
  • Duration — This field indicates how long an activity will last. Enter a number in the first field, and use the drop-down list in the second field to select a unit of time. The options are Minutes, Hours, Days, and Weeks.
Recurrence End section Use the options and fields in this section to select a duration for the recurring activity. Recurring activities with no end date display on the Ajera CRM calendar one year in the past and two years in the future from the current date. However, if you double-click the activity and open the series, you can see that it is set up as a recurring activity with no end date. The options are:
  • No End Date — Select this option to schedule the activity recurrence indefinitely into the future.
  • End By — Select this option to specify a date after which the activity will no longer be scheduled to occur. Enter the end date in the blank field (MM/DD/ YY), or click in this field to select a date from the calendar.
  • End after x occurrences — Select a number from 1 to 999.