Add Info Center Records to a Custom Proposal Section

After you add a section to a custom proposal, you can select the Info Center records for the section.

This topic applies to custom proposals that use either Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word merge templates.

Prerequisites: Create a custom proposal and add a section to it. See Create a New Custom Proposal and Add Info Center Sections to Custom Proposals.

To add Info Center records to a custom proposal section, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Proposals > Custom Proposal.
  2. On the Custom Proposal form, open the tab for the Info Center section for which you want to add records.
  3. On the grid toolbar, click Add Records.
  4. On the Info Center Lookup dialog box, select the records to include in the custom proposal section, and click Close. The records now display in the grid on the Info Center section tab.

In addition to the Info Center records, you can add graphics and other associated records to the section from the Info Center section tab.