Custom Proposals Graphics Dialog Box

For each graphics placeholder, you use the Custom Proposals Graphics dialog box to specify settings that define the placeholder's location and dimensions.

This topic applies when you create a merge template in Microsoft Word.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Ajera CRM toolbar in Microsoft Word, click the Ajera CRM icon.
  2. Select the Info Center and click OK.
  3. Click in the merge template at the location where the graphic is to appear in the merge document.
  4. Select the Graphics Placeholder from the left pane of the Select Merge Code dialog, then click OK.


Field Description
Graphic Number

This variable specifies the graphic's selection sequence number. For example:

Picture<[ProjectGraphic: 1],2,p,l>

In the example, the 1 shows that this placeholder merges the first graphic file in the list you make by selecting graphics for that Info Center in Custom Proposals. If more than one graphic file is selected for a record, each graphics file must have a graphics placeholder. If two graphics files are merged, the second graphic placeholder has a 2 at this location in the placeholder.

Width (#/p)

This variable specifies the graphic's width; for example:

Picture<[Project Graphic: 1],2,p,l>

You can enter either a number or the letter p in this field.

  • A number shows the width in inches for the graphic.

  • The letter p shows that the graphic's width is proportional to the height you specify. If both the width and height are p, the graphic is shown in the completed proposal at its original dimensions.

In the example, the 2 shows that the graphic's width is 2 inches when it is shown in the completed proposal.

Height (#/p)

This variable specifies the graphic's height; for example:

Picture<[Project Graphic: 1],2,p,l>

Enter either a number or the letter p in this field.

  • A number shows the height in inches at which the graphic is shown in the completed proposal.

  • The letter p shows that the graphic's height is proportional to the width specified. If both the width and height values are p, the graphic is shown in the completed proposal at its original dimensions.

In the example, the p shows that the graphic is shown in the completed proposal at a height that is proportional to the specified width of 2.

Justification (l/r/c)

This variable specifies the graphic's alignment; for example:

Picture<[Project Graphic: 1],2,p,l>

In the example, the l shows that the graphic is left-justified in the completed proposal. As an alternative, enter ”r;r” for right, or ”r;c” for center.