Activity Reporting Dialog Box

Use the Activity Reporting dialog box to control the appearance and content of activity reports. You can also use this dialog box to create favorite reports or use existing ones and to print activity reports.

This section of the help provides information about the General tabs for the activity reports and the contents of each report. See the Reporting help for information about options on the Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Graph, and Layout tabs.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Calendar/Activities > Activity Manager.
  2. On the Activity Manager toolbar, click Print, and then click Print Current or Print All.


Field Description
Report Name

You can leave the report name as is, or enter a different name in this field.

You cannot use special characters, such as the following: / \ : * ? " < > |

Grid Type Select the grid whose columns you want to include as additional options on the Columns tab and Sorting/Grouping tab of the Activity List report options. You can then add any of these columns to the report or use them for to sort and group. Choose a grid from one of the tabs on the Activity dialog box.
Show Final Total Select this check box if you want to display the total number of activities included in the Activity List. When you select this option, you must also select the check box for the Row Count column name on the Activity List Columns tab. The Row Count column displays the total number of rows on the Activity List report.
Options Click beside the Options field to display a dialog box that contains one or more folders of saved report options for the current report. Click a set of saved options to apply all option settings in the saved set to the current report.
Organize Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, which you can use to save all current settings on all options tabs. The procedures available depend on the setting for the Lookup/Reporting Organizing option in Security Configuration.
Default Click this button to restore the Ajera CRM Reporting defaults for the tab.
Help Click this button to display help.
Apply Click Apply to implement whatever modifications you made to the report options on this tab.
Cancel Click this button to close the Options dialog box. Any modifications that you made are not saved.


If you run the Summary version of the report, you also have the following options:

Field Description
Report Sections to Include Select the report sections that you want to display on the report, such as Activities or Contacts.
Page Break Between Sections Select this option if you want each report section to print on a new page.