Miscellaneous Tab of General System Settings Form

Use the Miscellaneous tab of General System Settings to enter various system-wide Ajera CRM settings, including enabling workflow logs and instant messaging, setting polling intervals for alerts, and setting the default font for the Text Editor.



Field Description
Enable Workflow Log Select this option to enable the Workflow log. If you choose to log workflow actions, the log records the progress of each workflow, such as when events start, and when individual actions succeed, fail, or are not executed because defined conditions are not met. This log is mainly used as a troubleshooting tool to determine why workflow alerts do or do not work correctly.
Number of days to retain log If you selected the Enable Workflow Log option, enter the number of days that you want Ajera CRM to retain workflow actions.
Web Service Timeout (seconds) The default duration for web service timeout is 100 seconds. Use this field to prolong the duration before web service timeout. Enter 0 or make it blank to make the duration infinite.
Allow APIs to Trigger Workflow Select this option to allow regular workflows to be triggered from an API (for example, when a new employee is hired and imported into Ajera CRM).

Internet Authentication

Field Description
Domain If your company requires credentials for Ajera CRM to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication domain name.
Username If your company requires credentials for Ajera CRM to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication username.
Password If your company requires credentials for Ajera CRM to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication password name.

Activity Settings

Field Description
Polling Interval for Alerts

Activity alerts are designed to remind you of calendar events and tasks to be assigned or approved. The polling interval that you specify determines how often Ajera CRM checks for alert activity.

Enter the polling interval in seconds. The value you enter must be greater than 0. Deltek recommends a value of 6; however, it can be higher if needed.

Allow Users to Share Their Calendars Select this option to allow calendars to be shared and viewed among Ajera CRM users.

Text Editor Font Defaults

Specify the default font and size that the Text Editor uses whenever someone enters text in a memo, comment, note, description, or proposal field. The default settings are also used in reports that include these fields.

Changing the default font and size does not change any existing text in these fields. The new font and size apply only to text that you enter after you make the change.

Field Description
Font Use this field to select the default font.
Size use this field to select the default size.
Field Description
Default Attachment Save Location (MODI) If your company uses Microsoft Office and Desktop Integration (MODI), you can use this field to set up a system default location for email message attachments.
Enable Instant Messaging Select this option to enable the Instant Message and Email feature. You can click the icon next to an employee’s name to use the Employee lookup to send an Instant Message or an email message directly to that employee in the Ajera CRM database.
Application Session Timeout (Minutes) Enter the amount of idle time after which a user will be prompted to log back into Ajera CRM. A blank value indicates that no timeout exists, and users will not be required to log back into Ajera CRM, no matter how long they have been idle.

Online Help

Field Description
Type of Help Select the type of online help that you want users to access in Ajera CRM.
Support Username This option is available if Hosted is the designated type of online help. Hosted help requires that the Ajera CRM Administrator enter a Deltek Customer Care Connect site username, which will allow any user to access online help that matches the version of software that the firm is using. When the users log into the help for the first time, they must enter this username. After their initial log in, the online help will be accessible without entering the username.
Support Password This option is available if you select Hosted is the designated type of online help. The Ajera CRM Administrator enters the matching Deltek Customer Care Connect site password that allows any user to access the hosted help for the version of software that your firm is using. When the users log into the help for the first time, they must enter this password. After their initial log in, the online help will be accessible without entering the password.


Field Description
File Size Upload Limit (Megabytes) This field displays if Ajera CRM is configured to allow employees to upload documents for transactions, templates, and Info Centers (it does not apply Adobe InDesign templates). When you upload a document, a copy of the file is stored in Ajera CRM. To control the size limit for each file, enter the maximum allowable file size in Megabytes (MB). If the uploaded file exceeds the allowable limit, Ajera CRM displays an error message an includes the impacted file names.

This field cannot be blank. If you do not enter a maximum file size, Ajera CRM defaults to 50MB.

The Deltek Ajera CRM Advanced Technical Installation Guide provides a system administrator with the instructions on how to enable FILESTREAM (a Microsoft SQL Server feature), which allows you to store the uploaded documents.

Field Description
Kona Account Key To enable the options in the Opportunity and Project Info Centers to link an opportunity or project to a Kona space, enter your Kona Business token or oAuth client ID in this field. You can obtain the oAuth client ID from your Kona business administrator.

If you enter a token, you can have Ajera CRM create a Kona space when you add a project, link that space to the project, and automatically make the space available in the Project Info Center when you or other members of the space display the project record. Similarly, you can have Ajera CRM create, link, and display spaces for opportunities in the Opportunity Info Center. Employees listed on the Team tab when you save the project or opportunity initially are automatically invited to join the Kona space. Entering the token in this field also gives you the option to link projects or opportunities to existing Kona spaces.

If you leave this field blank, Kona spaces cannot be linked directly to specific projects or opportunities. The only available access to Kona from Ajera CRM in that case is through the Kona option on the main Ajera CRM toolbar. If no token is entered in this field, that option simply launches Kona.

Prerequisites: For an employee to be able to use the Kona integration features in the Info Centers, the following must be true:
  • Their Ajera CRM access rights must give them access to the project or opportunity record.
  • They must be set up as a user of the firm's Kona Business account.
  • They must log on to Kona on the Misc tab of the User Options dialog box in Ajera CRM.
  • If they are not the space owner, they must be invited to join, and accept membership in, the Kona space for the project or opportunity.
  • They must be using Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9 or a later version.
Kona Account Secret Enter your corresponding oAuth client secret for the oAuth client ID that you entered on the Kona Account Key field. You can obtain the oAuth client secret from your Kona business administrator.