Activities Tab of <msgph varref="V-GW_Vendor_UC">Vendor</msgph> Info Center

Use the Activities tab to schedule activities directly from individual vendor records.


Activities Grid

Use the Activities grid to schedule and manage meetings, phone calls, and other tasks. When you schedule an activity from the Info Center, Ajera CRM adds the activity to the Info Center record, the Activity Calendar, and the Activity Manager. When you delete an activity from an Info Center record, Ajera CRM deletes the activity from your Activity Calendar and the Activity Manager.

Field Description
Activities Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Filter Options By default, the Activities grid displays all activities related to the current record. However, you may want to view activities for a specific time frame or may want to see only meetings or pending activities.

Click this option to specify your own criteria for filtering the activities that display in the Activities grid. Ajera CRM opens the Activities Filter dialog box and specifies filter options for the Activities grid.

When you apply a filter to an Activities grid in one info center record, the filter is applied to all records in that info center. After you apply a filter, Ajera CRM remembers your selection and applies it the next time that you open the info center. You can change your filter settings at any time.

By default, Ajera CRM does not apply the filter settings you specify in one info center to any other info centers, nor does it apply the settings to the Activity Manager. However, if you save your filter settings, you can use them throughout the Info Center and in the Activity Manager.

Open Filter Click this option to open a saved Activities Filter and apply it to the Activities grid. When you click this grid option, Ajera CRM opens a drop-down list with one or two folders that contain saved activities filters. Select a saved filter from one of the folders and click it to apply the saved filter options.
Edit Click this option to edit an activity on the Activities grid or to schedule a follow-up activity for an existing activity. If you have read-only security access to the current info center, this option displays as View; you can view activity details, but you cannot edit activities or schedule follow-up activities.
Insert Click this option to insert an activity on the Activities grid.
Copy Click this option to copy an activity in the Activities grid.
Delete Click this option to delete an activity from the Activities grid.
Completed This field displays the current status of the activity: Pending or Completed. To change the status of an activity, click the row in the grid that contains the activity. Then click Edit on the Activities grid and select the Completed option on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Type This field displays the activity type, such as meeting or phone call, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Subject This field displays a brief description of the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Start Date This field displays the start date for the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Priority This field displays the priority ranking of the activity: High, Medium, or Low. You specify the priority on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Owner This field displays the name of the employee who is responsible for this activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Client This field displays the name of the client associated with the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Client Contact This field displays the name of the primary client contact associated with the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Client Contact Bus. Phone This field displays the primary client contact's business phone number, as entered on the corresponding Contact Info Center record.
Vendor Contact This column displays the primary contact from the vendor that is associated with the activity. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Vendor Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the vendor contact's business phone number that is entered in the Contact Info Center record.
Opportunity This field displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Project This field displays the name of the project associated with the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Marketing Campaign This field displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the activity, as entered on the Marketing Campaign/Lead tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Lead This field displays the name of the primary lead associated with the activity, as entered on the Marketing Campaign/Lead tab of the Activity dialog box. Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.
Lead Bus. Phone This field displays the phone number of the primary lead associated with the activity, as entered on the Marketing Campaign/Lead tab of the Activity dialog box.
Location This field displays the location of the activity, as entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.
Notes This field displays notes about the activity. Click the text in this field to open the Text Editor and view the notes that were entered on the Detail tab of the Activity dialog box.