Delete a Lead Record

When you delete an Info Center record, you permanently remove it from the Ajera CRM database. You cannot undo the deletion of an Info Center record. The basic procedure that you use to delete records is the same in all Info Centers.

Prerequisite: Verify that the record is no longer in use before you delete it. You can delete a record only if the record is not in use by any Ajera CRM applications.

To delete an Info Center record, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center and select an Info Center.
  2. On the Info Center form, select the record that you want to delete and click Delete.
  3. On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to delete the record from your database.
Alternative procedure: You can delete multiple records at one time. See Batch Deleltes Utility for information.