Select a Text Library Record

When you want to find an Info Center record, you can use a Lookup, the Quick Find feature, or the Info Center Search dialog box.

To find and open one or more records, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center and then click the Info Center in which you want to work.
  2. On the Info Center form, select one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    beside the Search field Click this icon beside the Search field at the top right of the Info Center form and then select a record from the lookup.
    Search field Click in the Search field, enter a character or string of characters for a Quick Find, and then select a record from the lookup.
    in a field Click this icon in a field that requires a record key, such as a client name, and then select a record from the lookup.
    Search Click this icon on the toolbar and then use the Info Center Search dialog box to select a record.