Add, Remove, or Change the Order of Columns in an Info Center List View

In Info Centers that have a List View, you can add, remove, or change the order of the columns that display in the List View grid.

To customize the Info Center grid in the List View, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an Info Center that has a List View.
  2. On the Info Center toolbar, click List View.
  3. On the Info Center form, click the Select Fields toolbar option on the Info Center grid.
  4. On the Select Fields dialog box, in the Tab field drop-down list, select the Info Center tab for which you want to select columns (fields) to add to the grid. The drop-down list displays all Info Center tabs for which you have security access.

    What you enter in this field determines the list of fields that display in the Available Fields section of the dialog box.

    The Select All option in the Tab drop-down list allows you to display fields from all tabs in the Available Fields section.

  5. Complete any of the following actions on the Select Fields dialog box:
    • To add fields to the grid: Select fields in the Available Fields list, and click Add.
    • To remove fields from the grid: Select fields in the Selected Fields list, and click Remove.
    • To change the display order of fields in the grid: In the Selected Fields box, click the field that you want to move, and then click the Up or Down buttons. Continue this process until the selected fields are in the correct order.

      Another way to change the order of the fields in the grid is to drag and drop columns directly in the grid in the List View screen. Click a column header, drag the columns to the desired location, and drop the column. Changes that you make on the grid are not reflected in the Selected Fields list. You must reorder the Selected Fields list to maintain the changed display order.

  6. Click OK to return to the List View.