Search for Records

When you search for records in the Info Center, you can restrict the search to a set of columns that you specify.

To search for records, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Search on the toolbar.
  2. In the Search Text field on the Info Center Search dialog box, enter a value.
  3. In the Search Options grid, click in the Search field.
  4. To select the columns to search, complete the following actions:
    1. Select an Info Center.
    2. Click in the Search Columns field.
    3. Click Ellipses.
    4. On the Info Center Search Columns dialog box, click a column name in the list to select the column for the search. To select more than one column, press and hold the CTRL key while you select columns.
    5. Click OK.
    Your column selections display in the Search Columns field.
  5. Click Search. Ajera CRM retrieves all the Info Center records that match your search criteria. The matching records display on the Results tab of the Info Center Search dialog box.
  6. In the Name field on the Results tab, click a record name to open the Info Center record.