Search Across Multiple Info Centers

When Info Center records contain fields that are linked together, you can use an Info Center lookup to create a search that queries all of these related records.

Prerequisites: If you want to start a new Advanced Search, click the Clear button before you start the Advanced search so that information from the previous search is not included in the new search.

To search across Ajera CRM Info Center records, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    In the Search field, enter all or part of the record name that you want to open and press the ENTER key. Ajera CRM searches for matching records in your database. If only one possible match is found, Ajera CRM opens the record. If more than one possible match is found, Ajera CRM displays a list of all possible matches. Click the record that you want.
    Click Search to use a Lookup to find and select the Info Center record that you want to open. You can select multiple records to open, but you can view only one record at a time.
    Click Open beside the Search field. Use a previously saved search to search for and select the Info Center record that you want to open.
    Ajera CRM opens the Info Center lookup.
  2. In the Display Type field, select Advanced.
  3. On the Advanced Search dialog box, complete the following actions:
    1. In the Search Type field, select Lookup. Ajera CRM activates the Search Field column.
    2. Click in the Search Field column and then click the drop-down to display a list, from which you can select a field.
    3. In the Operator field, select a comparative operator. For an Advanced search, you can implement searches such as "Is Me" and "Is Not Me."
    4. Click in the Search List field and then click Search.
  4. On the Search List dialog box, complete the following actions:
    1. Highlight the records that you want and then click Select.
    2. In the Cond field, select AND or OR.
    3. Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to set the order of your search criteria.
    4. Use the Insert, Copy, and Delete options to modify your search criteria.
    5. If you want to display only active records, select Active Only.
    6. Click Search. A list of all records matching your search criteria displays.
    7. Click Select All to display all records, or press CTRL + SHIFT and click Select to highlight only those records that you want to display. The first record that matches your criteria displays.
    8. Use the left arrow and right arrow buttons to navigate through the records you selected.