Convert Lead Dialog Box

Use the Convert Lead dialog box to qualify or disqualify a lead, to associate a qualified lead with a marketing campaign, or to specify why you decided to disqualify a lead. If you convert a lead record that is associated with files, Ajera CRM copies them to the target record only.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Leads.
  2. On the Lead Info Center form, click Convert and select one of the following:
    • Convert Current Lead
    • Convert Active Group
    • Select Leads to Convert


Field Description
Qualify this Lead This option is selected by default when you open the Convert Lead dialog box. It enables the Client, Contact, Opportunity, and Marketing Campaign options on this form. The selections that you make for those options depend on your company's business rules.
Client Select this option to qualify a lead and convert it to a client.
Contact Select this option to qualify a lead and convert it to a contact.
Select a Client for this Contact When you select Contact, this field becomes active. Click Search to open the Client Lookup, and select the client to display in the Client field of the contact record.
Opportunity Select this option to qualify a lead and convert it to an opportunity. Ajera CRM adds this new opportunity to the Opportunities tab of the campaign record specified in Marketing Campaign. When a lead is qualified as an opportunity, Ajera CRM associates with the new opportunity all of the marketing campaigns associated with the lead.
Select a Contact for this Opportunity When you select Opportunity, this field becomes active. Click Search to open the Contact Lookup. Select the contact to display in the Contact field of this opportunity's record.
Select a Client for this Opportunity When you select Opportunity, this field becomes active. Click Search to open the Client Lookup. Select the client to display in the Client field of this opportunity's record.

Ajera CRM links this client-opportunity association to the client's Primary Address by default; you can change this on the Client grid in the Opportunity Info Center record.

Disqualify this Lead This option is not selected by default when you open the Convert Lead dialog box. Select it to enable the Select a status for this Lead option on this form.
Select a status for this Lead When you select Disqualify this Lead, this field becomes active and required.

Click and select the status reason to assign this disqualified lead. Ajera CRM populates the Status Reason field on the lead record's General tab with your selection in this field.

Marketing Campaign Click Search to open the Marketing Campaign Lookup and select the marketing campaign to associate with the lead. Note the following:
  • If the lead record has one marketing campaign listed on its Marketing Campaigns tab, that campaign displays here by default.
  • If the lead record has more than one marketing campaign listed on its Marketing Campaigns tab, this field is left blank by default.
  • If you convert the lead from its location on the Leads tab of a campaign record in the Marketing Campaigns Info Center, that campaign record displays here. You cannot change the record.

Ajera CRM uses the campaign record as the campaign record for which it calculates Converted Clients, Converted Contacts, and Opportunities on that campaign record's General tab.