General Tab of Lead Info Center

Use the General tab to enter, modify, or review a lead's name and address information, email address, important notes, and associated client name.


Field Description
Prefix Use this drop-down list to select a prefix to be used with the lead's name. You define prefix options in Code Table Configuration.
First Enter the lead’s first name.
Middle Enter the lead’s middle name or initial.
Last Enter the lead's last name.
Suffix Use the drop-down list in this field to select a suffix to be used with the lead's name. You define suffix options in Code Table Configuration.
Preferred Enter the lead's preferred name, if applicable. For example, Kathleen A. Jones may prefer to be addressed as Kathy Jones.
Title Enter the lead's title. You can select a tile from the drop-down list in this field. However, if the contact has a title not included in the list, you can enter the title directly in this field. You define lead title options in Code Table Configuration.
Description Enter a text description to identify the lead. For example, enter text about the lead’s history, experience or connection to your firm.

Enter the name of the company for which the lead currently works. If you choose to qualify this lead at a later date, the entry in this field is excluded from the resulting contact, client, or opportunity record. You must re-enter the lead's company in the resulting contact, opportunity, or client record.

Email Address Enter the lead's email address in this field. After you enter an email address in the Email field, you can click the email address to open your default email application and send an email to the lead.

To edit a lead's email address, right-click the email address and click the Edit pop-up option, or click Edit in this field. These actions disable the hyperlink feature and allow you to edit the information in this field.

Owner Enter the name of the employee at your firm who you want to associate with this lead.

You can enter an employee name directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an employee supervisor from your database, or click Search and select an employee supervisor using the Employee Lookup.

When you enter an employee name in this field, Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding Employee Info Center record.

Click the name to open the record in the current browser window or right-click the name and then click the Open in new window option to open the record in a separate browser window.

Website Enter the Internet Web site address of the lead’s company. To edit a lead's Internet Web site address, right-click on the Internet Web site address and select Edit, or click Edit.

Click the lead's Internet Web site address to open the Web site in a new browser window.

Source Use this drop-down list to select the source of the lead. If the source does not display in the drop-down list, enter the source directly in this field. Sources may include specific conferences, trade shows, or the names of referring clients. You define source options in Code Table Configuration.
Status Use this drop-down list select the lead's current status. You define status options in Code Table Configuration.
Status Reason Use this drop-down list to select a reason for the lead's current status. If your lead is disqualified, you can use this field to record the reason the lead was disqualified. You define status reason options in Code Table Configuration.
Type Use this drop-down list to select a type by which to classify the lead. You can group leads by type when you run reports. You define lead type options in Code Table Configuration.
Rating Use this drop-down list to select a rating for the lead's level of interest in your firm. You define rating options in Code Table Configuration.
Record Status Use this drop-down list to indicate if the lead is Active or Inactive. A new lead record is Active by default; when you qualify a lead it sets its record status as Inactive.
Address 1, 2, 3 Enter the lead's address.
City Enter the city in which the lead's address is located.
State/Province Use this drop-down list to select the state or province in which the lead's address is located.
Zip/Postcode Enter the ZIP or postal code for the lead's address.
Country Use this drop-down list to select the country in which the lead's address is located.
Bus. Phone Enter the lead's business telephone number.
Bus. Fax Enter the lead's business fax number.
Mobile Enter the lead's cellular telephone number.
Home Enter the lead's home telephone number.
Pager Enter the lead's pager number.