Copy a Marketing Campaign Record

You can copy and modify an existing marketing campaign record to create a new record.

If Ajera CRM detects possible duplicate records during this procedure, the Potential Duplicate Records Found dialog box displays. This dialog box lists any existing record that already has the identifier that you are trying to use for a new record.

Copying a marketing campaign with attached documents does not copy the documents to the new marketing campaign.

To copy a marketing campaign record, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Marketing Campaigns.
  2. On the Marketing Campaign Info Center form, select the marketing campaign record.
  3. Click New and select Copy Current Marketing Campaign. Ajera CRM copies the selected marketing campaign record to a new marketing campaign record.
  4. Edit the marketing campaign information and specify a unique identifier for the new record.
  5. Click Save.