Estimated Revenue Tab of Opportunity Info Center

Use the Estimated Revenue tab to enter dates on which you expect to receive revenue. Use the Opportunity Forecast Reports to review this data and to analyze the potential revenue stream for the opportunity.

You set the default values for this tab on the Estimated Revenue tab in Opportunity Settings Configuration.


Field Description
Allocation Method To specify the allocation method for the estimated revenue, select one of the following settings:
  • Specific Date — Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount to specific dates for each opportunity. This activates the Estimated Revenue Allocation grid. Use this grid to identify the dates on which revenue is expected to be received. This feature is useful for companies who receive revenue for a project at irregular intervals, rather than monthly or quarterly. For example, a company can submit a fee schedule with a proposal that specifies that an inspection is to occur on a specific date and, upon completion, a payment will be due.
  • Spread Evenly Across Timescale — Select this option to spread revenue in even amounts across the dates between the estimated start date and the estimated completion date. After you select this option, use the Timescale option to specify the timescale for the revenue.
  • Allocate All Revenue to Estimated Start Date — Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount to the opportunity's start date.
  • Allocate All Revenue to Close Date — Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount to the opportunity's date closed.
Time Scale This option displays if you select Spread Evenly Across Timescale as the Allocation Method.

Use this option to specify the time scale used to calculate the revenue for the revenue period. Select one of the following settings:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly — This is a two-week period, starting on a Monday and ending on a Sunday.
  • Semi-Monthly — This is one semi-monthly period that runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month; the second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month. The number of days in the month does not change how this setting works.
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly

Estimated Revenue Allocation Grid

This grid activates when the Allocation Method is set to Specific Date. Use this grid to identify the dates when you expect to receive revenue. This is useful for companies who receive revenue for a project at irregular intervals, rather than monthly or quarterly. For example, a company can submit a fee schedule with a proposal that specifies that an inspection occurs on a specific date and, upon completion, a payment is due.

Your system administrator creates templates that populate pre-defined information on this grid. You can use these templates as the basis for your Estimated Revenue Allocation information. See the Use Template option for more details.

Field Description
Estimated Revenue Allocation Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Refresh/Use Template Select a pre-defined template to use as the basis for the data on the Estimated Revenue Allocation grid. You can use these templates to calculate your company's desired revenue date, amount, and percentage. If you modify template data, Ajera CRM does not update the template's information in Configuration. When you select this option, Ajera CRM displays the Select Template dialog box.
Insert If the Allocation Method is set to Specific Date, click this option to insert estimated revenue allocation information on the grid.
If the Allocation Method is set to any other option, the grid is not active.
Copy Select a grid row and click this option to copy the row to a new row on the grid. You can modify the information on this row to create new estimated revenue allocation information.
Delete Select a grid row and click this option to delete the row from the grid.
Description Enter a description for the revenue milestone. If you use a template, this field populates with the description from the template.
Revenue Date Enter or select the date on which the revenue will be received. If you use a template, this field populates based on calculations from the Time Frame and Time from Start Date fields on the Estimated Revenue Allocation Template dialog box.
Revenue Amount Enter the amount of revenue that you expect to receive. If you use a template, this field populates with the revenue from the template.

If you enter a value in the % of Total Revenue field, the amount in this field calculates based on the amount entered in the Revenue Amount field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center. For example, an opportunity has $100,000 revenue and a row in this grid has 20% of total revenue. The revenue amount for the milestone is $20,000.

If an opportunity's revenue amount changes, the amounts on this grid update automatically.

The amounts in the Revenue Amount and % of Total Revenue columns are totaled at the bottom of the grid.

% of Total Revenue Enter a percentage of the total revenue that you expect to receive. You cannot enter a value that is less than 0 or greater than 100. If you use a template, this field may populate with the percentage entered on the template.

The total % of Total Revenue must equal 100% when you save the record.

The amounts in the Revenue Amount and % of Total Revenue columns are totaled at the bottom of the grid.