General Tab of Opportunity Info Center

Use the General tab to enter or modify information about an opportunity, such as the opportunity name, number, description, status, contact, revenue, and probability figures.


Field Description
Name Enter the name of the opportunity. The name that you enter in this field displays on proposals, reports, and marketing materials.

If the opportunity is imported from GovWin IQ, this field defaults to the program name for the GovWin IQ opportunity, but you can change it.

Number Enter the opportunity number. If you enable automatic numbering, you cannot enter a number in this field unless you allow overrides. Instead, [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field when you save the form.
Regular Project If you are awarded the opportunity and you create a project record from the opportunity record, the project number displays in this field.

If you create a new project but do not use the Create Promotional Project from Opportunity option, you can enter a name in this field or use the lookup to select a project.

After you enter a project in this field, you can click the project number to open the project record in the current browser window. Alternatively, right-click the number and then click the Open in new window option to open the project record in a new browser window.

Description Click Edit to access the Text Editor and enter a brief description of the opportunity.

If the opportunity is imported from GovWin IQ, this field defaults to the program description for the GovWin IQ opportunity, but you can change it.

Status Use this drop-down list to select a status for the opportunity.
Master Contract Use this drop-down list to select the master contract if the opportunity is work that your firm is competing for under an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (IDIQ) or similar "master" contract.
Organization Enter the name of the organization in your firm that is responsible for pursuing the opportunity, or use the lookup to select the organization.
Primary Client Enter the name of the primary client associated with the opportunity, or use the lookup to select a client.

If the client record does not exist in your database, click New to create a new client record.

When you enter a client name in this field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the client name and the corresponding Client Info Center record. You can click the client name in this field to open the record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the client's name and related information to the Clients grid on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Opportunity Info Center form.
  • Ajera CRM adds the opportunity's name and related information to the Opportunities grid in the client record.
Primary Contact Enter the name of the primary contact associated with the opportunity, or use the lookup to select a contact. If the contact record does not yet exist in your database, click New to create a new contact record.

When you enter a contact name in this field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the contact name and the corresponding Contact Info Center record. You can then click the contact name in this field to open the record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the contact's name and related information to the Contacts grid on the Clients/Contacts tab of the Opportunity Info Center record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the opportunity's name and related information to the Opportunities grid in the specified Contact Info Center record.
Stage Use the drop-down list in this field to select a stage, such as Awarded or Pending, for the opportunity. You define stage options in Code Table Configuration. You can configure Ajera CRM to alert applicable staff members at your firm when the status of an opportunity changes.
Type Use the drop-down list in this field to select a type by which to classify the opportunity. You define type options in Code Table Configuration.
Source Use the drop-down list in this field to select the source of the opportunity. Your sources may include client referrals, consultant jobs, and marketing campaigns, among others. You define opportunity source options in Code Table Configuration.
Principal-in-Charge Enter the name of the employee who is the principal for the opportunity or use the Employee lookup to select an employee.

If the employee record that you want does not exist, you must add a new employee record before you enter a name in this field.

When you enter an employee name in this field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding Employee Info Center record. You can click the name in this field to open the record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the employee's name and related information to the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the opportunity's name and related information to the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the specified Employee Info Center record.

To edit the name, right-click the name and click Edit. This disables the hyperlink feature and allows you to edit the information in this field.

Note the following:

  • If you remove an employee from the Principal field of an opportunity record, the employee still displays in the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee from the Principal field of an opportunity record, the opportunity still displays in the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the associated Employee Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee with role type Principal from the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, and that employee is also entered in the Principal field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, the employee is also removed from the Principal field.
  • Ajera CRM does not update the Principal field when you change an employee's role on either the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record or on the CRM Info tab of the Employee Info Center record. When you make a change on either of those tabs, you must manually change your entry in the Principal field.
Project Manager Enter the name of the employee who is the project manager for the opportunity, or use the Employee lookup to select an employee.

If the employee record that you want does not exist, you must add a new employee record before you enter a name in this field.

When you enter an employee name in this field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding Employee Info Center record. You can click the name in this field to open the employee record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the employee's name and related information to the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record.
  • Adds the project's name and related information to the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the specified Employee Info Center record.

To edit the project manager name, right-click the name and click Edit. This disables the hyperlink feature and allows you to edit the information in this field.

Note the following:

  • If you remove an employee from the Project Manager field of an opportunity record, the employee still displays in the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee from the Project Manager field of an opportunity record, the opportunity still displays in the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the associated Employee Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee with role type Project Manager from the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, and that employee is also entered in the Project Manager field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, the employee is also removed from the Project Manager field.
  • Ajera CRM does not update the Project Manager field when you change an employee's role on either the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record or on the CRM Info tab of the Employee Info Center record. When you make a change on either of those tabs, you must manually change your entry in the Project Manager field, as needed.
Supervisor Enter the name of the employee who is the supervisor for the opportunity, or use the Employee lookup to select an employee.

If the employee record that you want does not exist, you must add a new employee record before you enter a name in this field.

When you enter an employee name in this field:

  • Ajera CRM creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding Employee Info Center record. You can click the name in this field to open the employee record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the employee's name and related information to the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record.
  • Ajera CRM adds the project's name and related information to the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the specified Employee Info Center record.

To edit the supervisor name, right-click the name and click Edit. This temporarily disables the hyperlink feature and allows you to edit the information in this field.

Note the following:

  • If you remove an employee from the Supervisor field of an opportunity record, the employee still displays in the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee from the Supervisor field of an opportunity record, the opportunity still displays in the Opportunities grid on the CRM Info tab of the associated Employee Info Center record, but the Role field is cleared.
  • If you remove an employee with role type Supervisor from the Employees grid on the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, and that employee is also entered in the Supervisor field on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center record, the employee is also removed from the Supervisor field.
  • Ajera CRM does not update the Supervisor field when you change an employee's role on either the Team tab of the Opportunity Info Center record or on the CRM Info tab of the Employee Info Center record. When you make a change on either of those tabs, you must manually change your entry in the Supervisor field, as needed.
BVS This option displays if you set up the BVS Sales Force Interface in Opportunity Settings Configuration to help qualify opportunities. After you enter a new opportunity record and select a Stage, click the BVS Sales Process link to access the BVS application. Enter additional information in BVS, and save your work. BVS updates information on the opportunity record.
Date Opened Click Calendar to select the date on which you identified the opportunity and began pursuing the job.
Closed Reason This is a drop-down list that shows pre-defined reasons why the opportunity closed. The options in the list are defined in the code tables found in Configuration.
Date Closed Click Calendar to select the date on which you closed this opportunity.
Closed Notes This is a memo field that you can use to fill in any description that relates to the closing of the opportunity.
Days Open Ajera CRM displays the number of days that the opportunity has been open. This value is based on the date entered in the Date Opened field and either today's date or the date entered in the Date Closed field.
Probability Use the drop-down list to select a number that represents the probability that the opportunity will become a project. For example, if the probability that the opportunity will become a project is 80%, enter 80 in this field. You define probability options and their descriptions in Code Table Configuration. If there is a description associated with the probability number that you enter in this field, the description displays to the right of the field.
Weighted Revenue Ajera CRM calculates this value using the information that you enter in the Revenue and Probability fields. Ajera CRM determines the value as follows:

Revenue X Probability = Weighted Revenue

If you clear the Probability field, the weighted revenue value defaults to 0 (zero).

Estimated Start Click Calendar and select the date on which you expect to begin the job associated with the opportunity.
Estimated Completion Click Calendar and select the date on which you expect to complete the job associated with the opportunity.
Responsibility From the drop-down list, select your firm's expected role, such as Prime or Joint Venture, on the contract that is associated with the opportunity. The roles that display in the drop-down list are added to this list in the Responsibility code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables.
NAICS From the drop-down list, select the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the opportunity. These are government-designed codes that identify the industry in which a company operates. The codes provide a means for classifying businesses for data collection, analysis, and publication of data related to the U.S. business economy. The codes that display in the drop-down list are added to this list in the NAICS code table in Configuration > General > Code Tables. Ajera CRM provides the standard list of NAICS codes.
Kona Space This field is only available if Ajera CRM is configured to integrate with Kona Business on the Miscellaneous tab of the General System Settings form and if you have entered your Kona username and password on the Misc tab of the User Options dialog box.

If you click New on the toolbar, and select Create Kona Space, Ajera CRM creates a Kona space for the opportunity, with you as the space owner. It then displays the space name in this field, and invites all employees listed on the Team tab who have email addresses to join the space. The Kona space displays below this field, and you can work in the space without leaving the Opportunity Info Center to go to Kona Business. You can also create a space for an opportunity in Kona Business yourself and then select that space in this field to link the space to the opportunity. If you create the space yourself and then link it to the opportunity, however, employees listed on the Team tab are not automatically invited to join the space.

An opportunity can only be linked to one Kona space, but a Kona space can have multiple opportunities linked to it.

Prerequisites: For an employee to be able to use the Kona integration features on this tab, the following must be true:
  • Their Ajera CRM access rights must give them access to the opportunity record.
  • They must be set up as a user of the firm's Kona Business account.
  • They must log on to Kona on the Misc tab of the User Options dialog box in Ajera CRM.
  • If they are not the space owner, they must be invited to join, and accept membership in, the Kona space for the opportunity.
  • They must be using Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9 or a later version.
Our Contract value Enter the amount of the total contract value that you expect your company to earn, if you are awarded the contract associated with the opportunity.
Period of Performance Enter the calendar years that you expect to work on the contract associated with the opportunity.