Link an Opportunity Record to BVS Sales Process

If you use the BVS Sales Process Interface, you can link opportunity records to BVS Sales Process so that data is integrated between the applications.

For example, you create an opportunity in Ajera CRM. When you analyze the opportunity in BVS, you decide that the opportunity is not worth pursuing. When you save and close the record in BVS, Ajera CRM updates the opportunity record and changes the Stage setting to Do Not Pursue.

Prerequisites: You must set up the BVS Sales Process Interface on the BVS Sales Process Tab in General Configuration.

To link an opportunity record with BVS Sales Process, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Opportunities.
  2. On the Opportunity Info Center form, create and save an opportunity record.
  3. Click the BVS Sales Process link. Ajera CRM updates the stage, associated contacts, close date, revenue amount, and user in the opportunity record.
  4. Use the checklists and forms that you configure in BVS and save your work.
  5. Return to Ajera CRM and refresh the opportunity—click outside of the opportunity record to access another Info Center and then return to the opportunity record. If the changes impacted the Funnel Phase in BVS, BVS updates the opportunity Stage field in Ajera CRM.
  6. Click Save.