Organization Setup Overview

Ajera CRM Organization Reporting lets you create individual organizations within your firm.

When you set up Organization Reporting, you establish organizations and associate them with projects and employees.

Organizations are identified by subcodes made up of letters and/or numbers. Each subcode represents a level in the organization structure. An organization code can consist of up to five subcodes, each representing a different level of information.

Before you make any organization setup decisions, read "Organization Reporting Concepts" in the Concepts section of the online help. This section contains important information that you must have to make good setup decisions.

Main Setup Steps

  • Use Organization General Setup to establish firm-wide organization settings for your firm.
  • Use Subcodes Setup to set up individual subcodes for each level of your organization.
  • If you are using Ajera CRM Proposals, use Firm Setup - Proposals to create new firms, make modifications to existing firms, and establish relationships between firms and organizations.