Favorite Reports Overview

If you apply report options and record selection criteria to a report, Ajera CRM retains those settings for the report only until you log out. The next time that you log in, Ajera CRM again applies your default settings to the report. If you design a report format that you want to use again, save it as a favorite report. When you run a favorite report, you do not need to specify the options each time.

When you create a favorite, Ajera CRM saves the following as part of the favorite definition:

  • Current report options on all options tabs.
  • Current record selection criteria.
  • Report language (if you use the Multilingual feature)

You can create more than one favorite version of any report.

When you create a favorite, Ajera CRM adds the favorite to those listed in your favorites dashpart on the Dashboard. If you click the link for a favorite on the Dashboard, Ajera CRM opens the report in the Preview window. From there, you can view the report, or you can print it.

Creating and Saving Favorites

The procedures that you can use to create and save favorites depend on the setting for your security role in Favorites Organizing on the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles).

The available settings are as follows:

  • Save Personal Only — You can create, modify, save, or delete only your personal favorites.
  • Save for My Role — You can create, modify, save, or delete personal favorites, and you can also save favorites for use by co-workers who share your security role.
  • Save for All Roles — You can create, modify, save, or delete personal favorites, favorites for use by co-workers who share your security role, and global favorites for use by all Reporting users at your firm.