Lead List Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

Most available columns show data from the Lead Info Center. In addition, you can use this tab to include columns that contain associated data. These are called "grid columns."

The list of columns in this topic includes all available grid columns. However, the grid columns that actually display on the Columns tab vary based on your selection in Grid Type on the General tab of the Options dialog box. The grid column labels begin with the grid type. For example, the each of the activities grid column labels begins with Activities - (Activities - Type, Activities - Start Date, and so on).


Field Description
Lead Name This column displays the lead’s full name.
Number (Title) This column displays the lead's title (for example, CEO or Contracts Administrator).
Company This column displays the name of the lead's current employer.
Status This column displays the lead's status (for example, New or Qualified).
Source This column displays the source of the lead (for example, the name of a specific conference or member list).
Rating This column displays the rating of the lead's level of interest: Hot, Warm, or Cold.
Business Phone This column displays the lead's business telephone number.
Leads Owner This column displays the name of the employee at your firm who is associated with this lead as its "owner."
Description This column displays additional text describing the lead.
Status Reason This column displays the reason for the lead's status.

For disqualified leads, this column could explain why the lead was disqualified.

Type This column displays the type of lead (for example, Schools or Health Care).
Record Status This column indicates if the lead is active or inactive:
  • When a new lead is created, the record status is Active.
  • When a lead is qualified, the record status changes to Inactive.
Address 1, 2, 3 This column displays the lead's street address (street name and number, suite number, post office box number).
City This column displays the city from the lead's address.
State This column displays the state from the lead's address.
Zip This column displays the zip code from the lead's address.
Country This column displays the country from the lead's address.
Business Fax This column displays the lead's business fax number.
Mobile This column displays the lead's cellular telephone number.
Home Phone This column displays the lead's home telephone number.
Pager This column displays the lead's pager telephone number.
Email Address This column displays the lead's email address.
Web Site This column displays the lead’s company Web site address.
Create User This column displays the user ID of the person who created the lead record in the Lead Info Center.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the lead record was created.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the lead record.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the lead record was most recently modified.
Activities - Completed The activity can be Pending or Completed.
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Priority This column displays the priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Activity Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the activity.
Activities - Client Contact This column displays the name of the client contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Client Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the client contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Vendor This column displays the name of the vendor associated with the activity.
Activities - Vendor Contact This column displays the name of the vendor contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Vendor Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the vendor contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Opportunity This column displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity.
Activities - Project This column displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Activities - Marketing Campaign This column displays the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Activities - Notes This column displays additional text that describes the activity.
Links - Description
Links - File Path This column contains one of the following:
  • The address (URL) for a Web site, intranet site, file transfer (FTP) site, and so on. If you preview the report, you can click the link to go to that address.
Links - Graphic
Marketing Campaigns - Number This column displays the marketing campaign identifier.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign.
Marketing Campaigns - Status This column displays the status of the marketing campaign: Active or Inactive.
Marketing Campaigns - Type This column displays the type of marketing campaign (for example, Webcast, Direct Mail, or Seminar).
Marketing Campaigns - Launch Date This column displays the marketing campaign's launch date.
Marketing Campaigns - End Date This column displays the marketing campaign's ending date.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.