Marketing Campaign Export

Use the Marketing Campaign Export report to download marketing campaign data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file or other file format.


Column Description
Marketing Campaign Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign.
Number This column displays the numeric identifier for the marketing campaign.
Status This column displays the status of the marketing campaign: Active or Inactive.
Organizations If you are using organizations in Ajera CRM this column displays the team in your company that is responsible for the marketing campaign.
Project This column displays the project associated with the marketing campaign.
Type This column displays the type of marketing campaign (for example, Webcast, Direct Mail, or Seminar).
Budget This column displays the amount budgeted for the marketing campaign.
Launch Date This column displays the marketing campaign's launch date.
End Date This column displays the marketing campaign's ending date.
Description This column displays the descriptive title for the marketing campaign.
Target Audience This column displays the market segment to which the marketing campaign is directed (for example, Chief Financial Officers or Project Managers).
Objective This column displays the goal of the marketing campaign (for example, Lead Generation).
Actual Costs This column displays the actual cost of the marketing campaign.
Revenue This column displays the amount of revenue your company expects to generate from the marketing campaign.
Campaign Manager This column displays the marketing campaign manager.
Marketing Manager This column displays the marketing manager who is responsible for the marketing campaign.
Manager 3 This column displays a third manager associated with the campaign.
Record Status This column displays the status of the marketing campaign: Active or Inactive.
First Action This column displays the first action in the marketing campaign (for example, Kickoff Campaign).
Current Action This column displays the current action in the marketing campaign.
Next Action This column displays the action that is scheduled to occur after the current action.
Universe This column displays the total number of companies targeted by the marketing campaign.
Create User This column displays the user ID of the person who created the marketing campaign record in the Marketing Campaigns Info Center.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the marketing campaign record was created.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the marketing campaign record.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the marketing campaign record was most recently modified.