Opportunity Fee Estimate Signature Tab

Use the Signature tab to display a block on the report for a signature.


The principal, project manager, or supervisor for the opportunity can use the signature block to authorize the fee estimate.

Field Description
Display Signature on Estimate Footer Select this check box to display the signature block on the estimate.

When you select this check box, Ajera CRM enables the remaining options on the tab.

Line Left Margin Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the beginning of the signature line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

The signature line is a horizontal line on which the responsible employee signs to indicate his or her authorization of the estimate.

Line Top Margin Enter the distance between end of the body of the estimate and the signature line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

Signature Label Enter the text to precede the signature line (for example, Authorized by: ).
Signature Label Width Enter the distance between the beginning of the signature label and the beginning of the signature line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

If the distance is less than the width of the label, the label will overlap the line.

Signature Line Width Specify the length of the signature line. "Width" means the distance from end to end, not the thickness of the line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

Date Label Enter the text to precede the date line (for example, Date: ).
Date Label Width Enter the distance between the beginning of the date label and the beginning of the date line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

If the distance is less than the width of the label, the label will overlap the line.

Date Line Width Enter the length of the date line. "Width" here means the distance from end to end, not the thickness of the line.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

Auth. Left Margin Enter the distance between the left margin of the page and the name of the employee authorizing the estimate.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

Auth. Top Margin Enter the distance between end of the body of the estimate and the name of the employee authorizing the estimate.

Use the unit of measure (inches or millimeters) that you entered in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab.

Authorized By Select the type of employee who will authorize the information in the estimates. The report displays the name of the project manager, principal, or supervisor associated with the opportunity.
Print Auth. Prefix Select this check box to display the name prefix along with the authorizing employee's name.
Print Auth. Suffix Select this check box to display the name suffix along with the authorizing employee's name.