Print Using a Previous Version of Ajera CRM's Printing Technology

You can print any Ajera CRM print job using a previous version of Ajera CRM's printing technology. Printing with this older technology (from Ajera CRM 6.1) is slower for large print jobs over 100 pages.

However, you may prefer this method of printing for smaller print jobs or for formatting purposes.

With the older printing technology:

  • Lines and boxes appear a little thinner.
  • Fonts appear a little larger. One less line may print on a page.
  • Margins may be slightly different (0.1 – 0.3 cm difference).

You can use the older printing technology only when you print directly to a network printer that has been set up within Ajera CRM or when you schedule a report to print. In these scenarios, the Ajera CRM print dialog box displays. Access to Ajera CRM network printers is controlled by Ajera CRM role security. You cannot print with the older printing technology when you print from the Preview window.

To print using Ajera CRM's previous printing technology, complete the following steps:

  1. Any place in Ajera CRM where you can select an option that opens a Ajera CRM print dialog box, press CTRL at the same time that you click the print option to open the print dialog box with the Print Using Previous Version's Method (May be Slower) check box displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. Examples of print options that open a Ajera CRM print dialog box:
    • A print icon on a Ajera CRM toolbar: for example, Print.
    • A print command that displays in a drop-down menu list.
    • The Print Setup button on the Options dialog box. This dialog box displays when you select a report in Reporting, and then click Schedule on the toolbar. On the Schedule dialog box, click the Options button to open the Options dialog box.
    • The Run button on a report Print Options dialog box.
  2. In the Printer Name field, select a network printer. If you do not select a network printer, the Print Using Previous Version's Method (May be Slower) check box is disabled.
  3. Select the Print Using Previous Version's Method (May be Slower) check box. Whether or not this check box is displayed, the older printing technology is used automatically if you do either of the following:
    • Select more than one copy to print in the Number of Copies field, and clear the Collate check box.
    • Select the Set Scale check box, and change the percentage to something other than 100%.
  4. Click Print or OK.