Reports Tab

The Reports tab is your primary working area for Ajera CRM Reporting. Use the Reports tab to select a report, set its options, restrict the records included, save settings, and create favorite reports. The Reports tab lists the reports that are available to you based on the Ajera CRM features that are active and on your security access.

If the reports you want are not listed in the Reports grid, verify that you have security access to the reports.


Field Description
Show Reports Use this drop-down list to filter the reports that display in the Reports grid based on type of report. Select one of the following options:
  • All — All saved reports.
  • Personal — A favorite report that is not shared with other users.
  • Global — A favorite report that is shared with other users.
  • Original — Standard or custom report that is not a favorite.
  • Personal and Global — A combination of personal and global favorite reports.
Reports drop-down list Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Organize Favorites Click this option to display the Organize Favorite Report dialog box. In that dialog box, you can create a favorite report, modify an existing favorite, or delete a favorite. You also use the Organize Favorite Report dialog box to control access to favorite reports.

The procedures available to you depend on the setting in Favorites Organizing on the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles) for your role:

  • Save Personal Only — You can create, modify, save, or delete only your personal favorites.
  • Save for My Role — You can create, modify, save, or delete your personal favorites, and you can also save favorites for use by co-workers who share your security role.
  • Save for All Roles — You can do the following:
    • Create, modify, save, or delete your own personal favorites.
    • Save role-specific favorites for those who share your security role.
    • Save global favorites for all Reporting users.
Refresh Click this option to do the following:
  • Reset options to the defaults for all reports in the grid.
  • Display any new global favorites that have been added since you displayed the Reports grid.

Example: You set options for three different reports, preview each one, and decide to discard the settings rather than save them.

When you restore default options for reports, Ajera CRM resets all the options on the options tabs to the default settings. If you selected a set of saved options as your personal defaults for a report, Ajera CRM resets the options to your personal default settings. If you have not selected personal defaults for a report, Ajera CRM resets the options to the system defaults for that report.

When you restore defaults, it does not affect saved sets of options for the report. All saved options sets are still available to you.

Row selection column When you click in a row in the grid, the first column of the grid displays next to mark the currently selected report.
Report Name This column displays the names of the reports. A report name can be the Ajera CRM default name or a name that you or another user specified.

Favorite reports can have a different name than the corresponding standard report. (Favorite reports have a check mark in the Favorite column of the grid.)

Options To open the Options dialog box for a report, click in the Options column and then click .

The Options column may be blank, or it may contain text:

  • If the column is blank, you have not specified any options for the report. If you do not set options before you generate the report, Ajera CRM uses default settings for all report options. To set new options, click in the Options column and then click . On the Options dialog box, specify the settings on the options tabs.
  • If the column contains <options selected>, the report has option settings other than the defaults. To review or change those settings, click .
  • If the column contains a name, the report is set up to use a set of saved report options. To review or change those settings, click .
Selection To specify record selection criteria for a report, click in the Selection column and then click .

The Selection column may be blank, or it may contain text:

  • If the column is blank, you have not specified any selection criteria for the report. If you do not enter selection criteria before you generate the report, Ajera CRM includes data from all records of the appropriate type. To select criteria, click in the Selection column and then click . On the lookup, select the data you want included in the report.
  • If the column contains <records selected>, selection criteria have been specified for the report. To review or change the criteria, click .
  • If the column contains a name, the report is set up to use a set of saved search criteria. To review or change those criteria, click .
Type This column displays one of the following report types:
  • Personal — A favorite report that is not shared with other users.
  • Global — A favorite report that is shared with other users.
  • Original — Standard or custom report that is not a favorite.
Folder This column displays one of the following:
  • Standard — Standard Ajera CRM report.
  • Custom — The custom folder created when custom reports were loaded on the report server.