Sorting Grouping Tab of the Options Dialog Box

Use the Sorting/Grouping tab to specify the sequence in which data displays on the report.

You can combine multiple sort criteria. If you do, the lowest sorting level has the most detailed information. For example, if you sort by project and then by task, the task level has the most detailed information.

Field Description
Drop-down list in the upper left corner of the grid Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Move to top Click this grid option to move all sort criteria (rows with Sort selected) to the top of the list. (The current order of the remaining rows does not change.)
Find Click this grid option to search the Sort/Group By column for text that you specify.
Find next If you use the Find option and the first instance of the search text is not the one you want, click the Find next grid option to find the next instance.
Row selection column When you click in a row in the grid, the first column of the grid displays this marker beside the currently selected sorting and grouping criterion.
Sort Use this for each type of data by which you want to sort and group report information.

The order of the selected items in the grid determines the sort order. The information is sorted first by the first selected item and then by the second, and so on. To move an item up or down in the sort order, click in that row and use and to the left of the grid to move that row up or down in the list.

Sort/Group By This column lists the criteria by which you can sort data on the current report.

Select Sort for a criterion to include it in the sort.

Label Use this column to enter the label for the sort criterion that appears on the report. You can change the default label.
Color Select the color of the sort band for each sorting level. Click in the Color column for a sort criterion and then click the color that you want.
Sort In this column, specify whether Ajera CRM sorts data in ascending or descending order.

Click the Sort column for a sort criterion, and select one of the following:

  • Ascending — Sort the data in ascending numerical order (for example, 00001.00, 00002.00, 97001.00, 98001.00) or alphabetical order (from A to Z).
  • Descending — Sort the data in descending numerical order (for example, 98001.00, 97001.00, 00002.00, 00001.00) or alphabetical order (from Z to A).
Project Level If the sorting and grouping criterion is project-related and can be specified at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS), select the WBS level on which you want Ajera CRM to base the sorting and grouping.
Collapse/Expand You can set up group levels so that you can collapse and expand the groups at that level to display or hide the sub-groups and detail rows when you preview the report. If you print the report from the Preview window, the groups are expanded or collapsed just as they are on the Preview window.

In Collapse/Expand for the sorting and grouping criterion, select one of the following:

  • Disabled — The report displays all data for the group, and you do not have the option to collapse or expand it.
  • Collapsed — If you preview the report, you can expand and collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. By default, all groups at this grouping level are collapsed when you first display the report in the Preview window. If you print the report from the Reports grid, those groups are collapsed on the report.
  • Expanded — If you preview the report, you can expand and collapse the group to show or hide sub-groups and detail rows. By default, all groups at this grouping level are expanded when you first display the report in the Preview window. If you print the report from the Reports grid, those groups are expanded on the report.

If you search for text in a previewed report, the search only finds the target text if it is visible when you do the search. It does not find data that is hidden in collapsed groups.

Line Separator Select the type of line to print between sort groups on the report. When you preview the report, dotted lines display as lines of short dashes. However, when you print the report, they are dotted lines.
Page Break Select this if you want a new report page each time that the sort value changes.

For example, suppose you select Office as a sort criterion and you have three offices. If you select Page Break for that sort criterion, Ajera CRM begins printing the information for each of the offices at the top of a new page.

Subtotal Select this to display a subtotal line.
Heading Select this to include a label for the criterion on the report.
Page Heading Select this if you want sorting group headings repeated on subsequent pages when data for the group spans more than one page.
Show totals on header line Select this to display totals in the header row for each group rather than at the end of the group.
Hide single line totals Select this to not display group totals if the group contains only one detail line.
Hide Document Map Select this if you do not need to display the document map information on your report or your Excel file export of the report.
Left margin indent for groups Use this to specify the number of inches or millimeters from the left margin to indent the data for the sorting group.

You enter inches or millimeters depending on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab.