Unit Detail General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Unit Detail report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Period Select this option, and then choose one of the following time periods from the drop-down list:
  • Current — This includes posted records for the accounting period that you currently have open.
  • Year-to-Date — This includes records posted in the current fiscal year through the current accounting period.
  • Job-to-Date — This includes posted records from the start of the project through the current accounting period.
Dates Select this option, and then enter a range of dates. Click to select a date from the calendar.
Include Unposted Units Select this check box if you want unposted units included on the report.
Print Final Totals Select this check box to include a line at the end of the report that displays report totals for all amount columns.
Employee Lookup Click to open the Employee lookup, and select one or more employees to include on the report.
Project Lookup Click to open the Project Lookup, and select one or more projects to include on the report.