User-Defined Info Center List Columns Tab

The Columns tab for the List report for a user-defined Info Center includes all fields that have been specified for the user-defined Info Center that your security role can access. Use the Columns tab to select or clear columns, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.


The columns that display on the User Defined Info Center List report vary, depending on the fields that were specified in the new Info Center. Because Ajera CRM requires that the user-defined Info Center have at least one Record ID or Name field, these fields are on the Columns tab. Also included are the Name fields from any linked user-defined Info Centers. If there are multiple Name columns, they are listed in order of their position on the User Defined Components form in Configuration.

Other fields may display, based on the following:

  • Grid Type option on the General tab of the Options dialog box
  • Activities Grid and Files Grid options that are selected on the New Info Center dialog box