Eliminate Embedded Formatting for Proposal Text

Because many word processing applications contain embedded formatting and coding within their documents, Deltek recommends that you copy and paste text into Microsoft Notepad before you copy and paste that same text into the Text Editor.

Notepad removes the embedded formatting, which improves your ability to format the text in the Text Editor and helps ensure that the text displays as expected in Ajera CRM proposals.

To eliminate embedded formatting when you copy and paste text, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a new document in Microsoft Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the desired text into the Notepad document.
  3. Copy the text from Notepad and paste it into the Ajera CRM Text Editor.

    For paragraphs, Ajera CRM sees hard returns (¶) from Notepad as a blank line. For example, if there are hard returns between paragraphs in Notepad, Ajera CRM replicates these paragraph breaks within the Text Editor.

    For bulleted lists, Ajera CRM sees the hard returns (¶) from Notepad as a soft return, and only the first line item will contain a bullet. You must remove the soft return after the first line and press ENTER to replace it with a hard return. Repeat this process for each line to display the bullets. See the Insert a Bulleted List in the Text Editor topic for information on how to modify the bullet format.

  4. Optional. Apply bold, italics, or underlines.
  5. Click Save.