Text Editor Dialog Box

Use the Text Editor dialog box to enter, modify, and format text in Ajera CRM text box fields. The first time that you use the Text Editor, Ajera CRM goes through a series of installation messages before you can use the Text Editor.


To display the Text Editor dialog box, select one of the following actions:

  • On the title bar of a Ajera CRM Notes, Description, Comments, or Memo text box, click Edit.
  • For Description fields that display in grids, click in the field to display and click .
  • In the Proposals application, click to the right of a field and click Full Editor.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Bold To make text bold, highlight the appropriate text, and click .

To remove bold formatting, highlight the bold text, and click .

Italic To make text italic, highlight the appropriate text, and click .

To remove italic formatting, highlight the italicized text, and click .

Underline To underline a word, phrase, or sentence, select the appropriate text, and click .

To remove the underline, select the underlined text, and click .

Cut To cut text from the Text Editor dialog box, highlight the text, and click .
Copy To copy text from the Text Editor dialog box, highlight the text, and click .
Paste To paste text (that you have cut or copied) into your document, place the cursor where you want the text to display and click .
Paste as Plain Text To paste the text as plain text without any formatting into your document, place the cursor where you want the text to display and click .
Left Justify To align text, tables, and graphics along the left margin, select the appropriate text or item, and click .
Center Justify To center text, tables, and graphics, select the appropriate text or item, and click .
Right Justify To align text, tables, and graphics along the right margin, select the appropriate text or item, and click .
Justify To align the text along the left and right margins, select the appropriate text or item, and click .
Increase Indent To increase the indent of a paragraph by one tab stop, click .
Decrease Indent To decrease the indent of a paragraph by one tab stop, click .
Bulleted List (Unordered List) To create a bulleted list, select the first paragraph (or the required existing paragraphs) to include in your list, and click . Thereafter, each time that you press ENTER, the Text Editor creates a new bulleted paragraph.

Bullets for Reports and Invoices

Only the bullet formatting that you add with the Text Editor is brought into reports when a text box field is included on Ajera CRM reports. All other Text Editor formatting (font, bold, underline, tables, and so on) is not brought into reports.

Numbered List (Ordered List) To create a numbered list, select the first paragraph (or the required existing paragraphs) to include in your list, and click . Thereafter, each time that you press ENTER, the Text Editor creates a new sequentially numbered paragraph.
Font Color To modify the color of existing text, highlight the text, and click and select the color that you want to apply.

You can also place your cursor in a blank spot on the Text Editor dialog box, click , and choose a color. The color that you select is applied to the text that you enter after the cursor.

Table To insert a table, move the cursor to the section where you want to insert the table, and click . The Insert Table dialog box opens with table options that you can use to create the table you need.
Find To locate specific text on the Text Editor dialog box, click this icon.

On the Find dialog box, use the following options:

  • Find what — Enter the text for which you want the Text Editor to perform a search.
  • Match case — To locate only those entries that display in the same case as the text entered in the Find what field, select this option.
  • Direction — Select Up to conduct the search moving to the top of the Text Editor, starting from the cursor's position. Select Down to conduct the search moving to the bottom of the Text Editor, starting from the cursor's position.

Click Cancel to close the Find dialog box.

Replace To replace specific text in the Text Editor, click this icon.

On the Replace dialog box, use the following options:

  • Find what — Enter the text for which you want the Text Editor to perform a search.
  • Replace with — If you want to replace the found text with other text, enter it here.
  • Match case — To locate only those entries that display in the same case as the text entered in the Find what field, select this option.

To find each instance of the text in your search, click the Find Next button.

After text is found, if you entered text in the Replace with field, you can click the Replace or Replace All button to replace one or all instances of the found text.

Click Cancel to close the Replace dialog box.

Word Count To display the number of words and characters typed in the Text Editor dialog box, click this button.
Spelling To check the spelling of text entered in the Text Editor dialog box, click this icon.

On the Spelling dialog box, spelling errors are underlined. You choose whether to ignore or modify the spelling of each misspelled word that is identified. The options for each misspelled word are:

  • Ignore Once — Ignore this occurrence of the error.
  • Ignore All — Ignore all occurrences of the error.
  • Add to Dictionary — Adds the misspelled word to the dictionary so that the spell checker will ignore it in the future and include it as a spelling suggestion.
  • Change — Select one of the suggested spellings provided for the underlined word, and click Change to modify the spelling for this occurrence of the error.
  • Change All — Select one of the suggested spellings provided for the underlined word, and click Change All to modify the spelling for all occurrences of the error.
  • Options — Opens the Options dialog box for the spell checker. You can fine-tune the spell checker by modifying the settings found in the Options dialog box.
  • Cancel — Closes the Spelling dialog box without completing the spell checker process.
Font To modify the font for existing text, highlight the text, click the Font down arrow, and select the font to apply.

You can also place your cursor in a blank spot in the Text Editor dialog box, click the Font down arrow, and select a font. The font that you select is applied to the text that you type after the cursor.

When you merge a Ajera CRM proposal, the Text Editor's font does not apply to the data when it is merged. The font type and size for a proposal are determined by the merge code on the merge template.

Size To modify the size of existing text, highlight the text, click the Size down arrow, and select the size to apply.

You can also place your cursor in a blank spot in the Text Editor dialog box, click the Size down arrow, and select a size. The size that you select is applied to the text that you type after the cursor.

When you merge a Ajera CRM proposal, the Text Editor's font size does not apply to the data when it is merged. The font type and size for a proposal are determined by the merge code on the merge template.

Formatting To modify the style for existing text, highlight the text, click the Formatting down arrow, and select the formatting to apply.

You can also place your cursor in a blank spot in the Text Editor dialog box, click the Formatting down arrow, and select a format. The formatting that you select is applied to the text that you type after the mouse insertion point.

If you apply formatting to text that has been copied into the Text Editor dialog box and the text does not format correctly, try copying the text to Windows Notepad first before you copy it into the Text Editor dialog box.


Field Description
Text Box The text that you enter directly in a text box field displays in this text box. You can also enter text directly in the text box. Use the Text Editor toolbar options to format the text.