Copy a Unit Record

You can copy and modify an existing unit record from other unit tables in your database to create a new unit record. When you copy a unit record, Ajera CRM copies the existing unit number to the new unit record. You cannot copy a unit record if an existing row in the target table already has the unit number assigned.

To copy a unit record, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Units.
  2. Use the Unit Table Lookup to select and open the unit table to which you want to copy the unit record.
  3. On the Units form, click Copy.
  4. On the Copy Units dialog box, select the units that you want to copy. You cannot copy a record if an existing row in the target table already has the unit number assigned.
  5. Click Select. Ajera CRM copies the selected unit records to the grid on the Units form.
  6. Edit the new unit records and specify a unique identifier for each new record.
  7. Click Save.