Unit Info Center Form

Use the Unit Info Center form to set up new unit tables and then enter, edit, copy, or delete unit details. When you enter or edit unit details, Ajera CRM opens the Units dialog box.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Units.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
New After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Select Unit Table to open a blank unit table record. Use the blank record to create a new unit table record.
  • Select Copy Current Unit Table to copy the current unit table record to a new record. You can then edit the copied record to create a new unit table.
  • Select Select Unit Table to Copy to open the Unit Table Lookup and select a unit table record to copy. You can then edit the copied record to create a new unit table record.
Delete Click this option to delete an Info Center record.
Print After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Select Print Current Unit Table to print the current unit table record.
  • Select Print Active Group to print all unit table records currently active in the Unit Info Center.
  • Select Select Unit Table to Print to select the unit table records that you want to print.

Save Click this option to save your entries on the Info Center form.
Help Click this option to display the online help.


Field Description
Unit Table Enter the name for the unit table record.
  • For the unit table to apply to a specific project, enter the project number and include leading zeros or delimiters. When you select the project in Units Transaction Entry, Ajera CRM displays the associated unit table in the Table field.
  • For the unit table to apply to multiple projects, enter an alphanumeric name for the table. When you select a project in Units Transaction Entry, the Table field remains blank. You can then click the drop-down list in the Table field and select the appropriate table name.
  • If you enter an alphanumeric name for the unit table, you can associate the unit table with one or more projects using the Unit Table field on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center. When you select an associated project in Units Transaction Entry, Ajera CRM displays the unit table in the Table field.
Status Use this drop-down list to select the status for the unit table. The options are:
  • Active — Select this option for an active unit table. Ajera CRM defaults to Active if you do not select an option.
  • Inactive — Select this option if the unit table is not active.
  • Dormant — Select this option if the unit table is dormant. Dormant records only display in the Units Info Center. Dormant records do not display in any Unit Table drop-down list fields or lookups.


Field Description
Edit Click this option to edit a unit on the grid.
Copy Click this option to copy a unit on the grid and create a new unit.
Insert Click this option to add a new unit to the grid.
Delete Click this option to delete a unit from the grid.
Unit Number Enter a unique unit number. You cannot modify a unit number after it is saved. You set the length of your unit numbers during installation. Use the Unit Number Conversion utility to increase or decrease the length of your unit numbers after you install Ajera CRM.
Unit Name Enter the name for the unit. You can print this name on the invoice.
Singular Label Enter a label for the unit as it should display for a singular quantity. For example, you enter day if the unit charge is based on one day of labor.
Plural Label Enter a label for the unit as it should display for a plural quantity. For example, you enter days if the unit charge is based on two days of labor.
Unit Type Click to display the drop-down arrow, then click the arrow and select a unit type from the drop-down list. Unit types do not affect processing. Use them to help you distinguish labor unit types from equipment or expense units for reporting purposes. The Unit Detail Report displays units of each unit type with detail and totals over a selected time frame.

The options include Equipment, Expenses, Labor, and any user-defined unit types that you enter in the Unit Type Codes code table (Configuration > General > Code Tables).

After a unit type has been used in a Units table, you cannot delete it in Code Tables Configuration.

Billing Rate Enter a numeric value for the rate at which to bill each individual unit. If you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the unit is billed based on the Cost per Unit rate and the project's billing terms.
Cost per Unit Enter a numeric value for the rate at which to cost each individual unit.
Regular Account Enter the account number to debit when you post units to a regular project. This account must be a direct or reimbursable expense account.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.

Overhead Account Enter the account number to debit when you post units to an overhead or promotional project. This account must be an indirect expense account.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.

Project Enter the project number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The project charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If you make the unit distribution credit by Organization, Ajera CRM skips this field. The credit is made to the project established in Individual Organization Setup.

You can enter a project number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a project from your database, or click Search and select a project on the Project Lookup.

Phase If the project that you entered in the Project field has phases, you must enter the phase number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The phase charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If the project does not have phases, or if you are making the unit distribution credit by Organization, Ajera CRM skips this field.

You can enter a phase number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a phase from your database, or click Search and select a phase on the Phase/Task Lookup.

Task If the project that you entered in the Project field has tasks, you must enter the task number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit. The task charge type must correspond to the Credit Account specified for this unit.

If the project does not have tasks, or if you are making the unit distribution credit by Organization, Ajera CRM skips this field.

You can enter a task number in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select a task from your database, or click Search and select a task on the Phase/Task Lookup.

Credit Account Enter the account to credit when you distribute costs to projects using this unit.

You must choose an asset, liability, indirect, or other revenue/expense account. This account must correspond to the charge type of the credited project, phase, or task for this unit.

You can enter an account in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an account from your database, or click Search and select an account on the Account Lookup.

Lookups Use the Lookup fields at the bottom of the unit table form to associate an organization, principal, project manager, supervisor, or unit table code with the selected unit table.

You can limit the tables available to a particular user using the following lookup criteria:

  • Organization — Select an organization from the lookup. If you do not have Organizations enabled, this field does not display.
  • Principal — Select a principal from the employee lookup.
  • Project Manager — Select a project manager from the employee lookup.
  • Supervisor — Select a supervisor from the employee lookup.
  • Code — Select a code, as defined in the Unit Table Code Table.