Field Mapping Tab of the Create Client from Vendor Form

Use the Field Mapping tab to select the vendor fields to include when you convert vendor records and to map those fields to their respective Client Info Center fields.


Field Description
Import Addresses Select this option to import addresses associated with vendors. If you merge a vendor with an existing client, Ajera CRM checks for duplicates based on the address description. If a vendor address has the same description as the client record it is merging with, Ajera CRM does not import the address.
Import Projects Select this option to importprojects associated with vendors. If projects are imported, the vendor flag is automatically checked for all projects imported from a vendor. If you merge a vendor with an existing client and the project already exists for the client, Ajera CRM does not import the project.
Import Opportunities Select this option to import the opportunities associated with vendors. If opportunities are imported, the vendor flag is automatically checked for all opportunities imported from a vendor. If you merge a vendor with an existing client and the opportunity already exists for the client, Ajera CRM does not import the opportunity.
Import Contacts Select this option to import contacts associated with vendors. If you merge a vendor with an existing client and the contact already exists, Ajera CRM does not import the contact.
Select which fields you would like to import grid Use this grid to specify the client fields and respectivevendor fields that you want to import. You can click any column header to change the sort order of the column.
Reset to Default When you open the Field Mappings tab, the CRM fields that are set as the default import options are automatically selected. If, after making changes to this grid, you decide to return to the default settings, click the Reset to Default button. Ajera CRM returns the grid to the default selections.
Import Select this option to indicate that there are fields in this grid row that you want to import. Selecting this option activates the Vendor Field drop-down list.
Client Field

Displays the client field names, including custom fields, in the Ajera CRM database.

The following client fields are not available for vendor mapping:

  • ClientID
  • CreateUser
  • CreateDate
  • ModUser
  • ModDate
  • LinkedVendor
  • VendorInd
  • Type
Description Displays a description of the selection made in the Client Field.
Vendor Field When you select the Import option, you can use the Vendor Field to select the Vendor table field that you want to map to the respective Client Field.

For example, you want to map the Vendor Type field to the Specialty Type field for your records. From the Client Field column, locate SpecialtyType and select Import. Ajera CRM activates the Vendor Field drop-down list. Select the VE.Type option. Ajera CRM populates the Description Field with the description of the field. When you run the conversion, Ajera CRM converts the Vendor Type to the client's Specialty Type.

Description Displays a description of the selection made in the Vendor Field.