Upgrade Custom Reports Saved in Your Ajera CRM Database to the Latest RDL Schema

Use the Ajera CRM Report Administration utility to upgrade custom reports to the RDL report schema version that is currently supported in Ajera CRM.

The upgrade process described in this topic uses the Upgrade option on the toolbar of the Load Custom Reports grid on the Custom Reports tab in Utilities > Report Administration. Use the Upgrade option only if the custom report files that you want to upgrade are saved in your Ajera CRM database. If you need to upgrade custom reports saved on a local machine that are not saved in the Ajera CRM database, use the fields in the Apply Schema Update to Custom Report File section of the Custom Reports tab.

For more information about the RDL report schema version that Ajera CRM supports and more information about upgrading your custom reports, see the Deltek Ajera CRM Custom Reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services guide. You can download the guide from the Deltek Customer Care Connect website.

When you click the Upgrade option, Ajera CRM does the following: It upgrades the report schema for each custom report, resaves the reports in the Ajera CRM database, and uploads the reports to the Ajera CRM report server.

To upgrade custom reports that are saved in your Ajera CRM database to the RDL report schema version that is currently supported in Ajera CRM:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Utilities > Report Administration.
  2. On the Report Server form, click the Custom Reports tab.
  3. On the Custom Reports tab, click the Upgrade option on the toolbar of the Load Custom Reports grid. The Upgrade option displays on the toolbar only if you have a saved custom report in the Ajera CRM database. If all your existing custom reports already use the latest RDL 2010 schema, you receive the following message: "All existing custom reports stored in your database are already using the latest schema."
  4. On the dialog box that says: "This will upgrade all existing custom reports currently stored in your database to the latest schema. Would you like to continue?," click Yes.
    • The upgrade starts.
    • During the upgrade, Ajera CRM backs up the custom reports that are saved in the Ajera CRM application server's Report\Backup folder.
    • When the upgrade finishes, you receive the following message: "All custom reports have been successfully upgraded to the latest schema."
  5. Review the RDLProcessing.log log file that is saved in the Ajera CRM application server's Report\Backup\<database name> folder. The log file contains the status for each processed RDL file and identifies any errors.