General Tab of Vendor Info Center

Use the General tab to enter, edit, or review information about the vendor, such as the name, address, status, phone numbers, and fax numbers.



Field Description
Number Enter a unique number for the vendor.

If you configure Ajera CRM to use the automatic numbering feature, you cannot enter a number in this field. Instead, [AUTONUMBER] displays in this field.

You establish the length and format of your vendor numbers when you install Ajera CRM. If you need to change either of these after installing Ajera CRM, you must use the Vendor Number Conversion utility.

The Number field is active only when you click the New button to add a new vendor record to your database; you cannot use this field to change a vendor number after you have created a vendor record.

Name Enter the vendor's name. To enter additional names (aliases) for the vendor, click Ellipsis in this field.
Vendor Aliases The alias fields display when you click Ellipses in the Name field. Click this option to display the Vendor Aliases dialog box, which you can use to enter or modify aliases.
Linked Client Use the Client lookup to link a client record to the vendor. When you link a client, a one-to-one relationship is created between the two records. Because of this relationship, changes that you make to certain fields in one area update the other.
Web Site Enter the vendor's Internet Web site address.

Click the vendor's Internet Web site address to open the Web site in the current browser window or right-click and select Open in new window to open the Web site in a new browser window.

To edit a vendor's Internet Web site address, right-click the Internet Web site address and select Edit or click Search. These actions disable the hyperlink feature and allow you to edit the information in this field.

Organization Enter the name of the organization within your company for which this vendor provides goods or services. Organizations are discrete business units within your company. You can set up organizations any way you like — by region, function, and responsibility.

To enter an organization name directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature to select an organization from your database, or click Search and select a record on the Organization lookup.

Status Use this drop-down list to specify whether the vendor is active, inactive, or dormant. The vendor status determines the validity of certain functions in Ajera CRM.

The options are:

  • Active — Select this option if you can perform any valid function for the vendor.
  • Inactive — Select this option for Ajera CRM to display a warning during any function that requires a vendor number. When you receive this warning, you must choose to proceed with the function before Ajera CRM allows you to complete it.
  • Dormant — Select this option to retain a vendor number but mark it as not currently in use. Select this status to retain a vendor in your database for historical purposes.
Specialty Use this drop-down list to select the vendor's business specialty. You define vendor specialty options using the Vendor Primary Specialty Code Table in Code Table Configuration. Contact your system administrator for information about adding values to this list.
Market Use this drop-down list to select the market (type) of the vendor (for example, Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit).
Prior Work Select this check box if the vendor has completed prior work with your company.
Recommend Select this check box to indicate that the vendor is recommended for future work with your company.
Annual Revenue This field displays the annual revenue of the vendor. This field can not be edited.
Employee Count This field displays the number of employees the vendor has. This field can not be edited.

Addresses Section

You can enter multiple addresses for each vendor. After you enter one address in the Addresses section, click the Add Address button in the lower right corner of this section to access a blank set of address fields in this section.

Field Description
Addresses Use this drop-down list to display a list of all the addresses that are entered for a vendor. The list is arranged in descending order, based on the entry in the Description field for each address. Select an item from the list to display the associated address information in this section.
Primary Select this check box to designate the current address as the primary address for the vendor. You can designate only one address as the Primary. However, you can change the Primary address designation at any time.

This address displays on reports.

Description Enter a description for the address you are entering. The description that you enter is added to the drop-down list in the Addresses field on the General tab.

When you add a new vendor record, the Description field displays as <Default>. You can change this description (or any other address description) at any time.

Address 1, 2, 3, 4 Enter the vendor's address.
City Enter the city in which the vendor's address is located.
State/Province Use this drop-down list to select the state or province in which the vendor's address is located.
Zip/Postcode Enter the ZIP or postal code for the vendor's address.
Country Use this drop-down list to select the country in which the vendor's address is located.
Phone Enter the vendor's phone number. Your system administrator defines the format for your phone number entry.
Fax Enter the vendor's fax number. Your system administrator defines the format for your phone number entry.
Email Enter the vendor's email address in this field, and then you can click it to open your default email application and send an email to the vendor.

To edit a vendor's email address, right-click the email address and select Edit or click Edit. These actions temporarily disable the hyperlink feature, allowing you to edit the information in this field.

When you enter the vendor's email address in this field and then move to the first name or last name fields on the General tab, Ajera CRM searches your database to look for duplicate records. If Ajera CRM detects possible duplicate records, the Potential Duplicate Records Found dialog box displays. The dialog box contains a list of existing vendor records that match, or closely match, the vendor name you want to add. Review the list to ensure the record you want to add does not already exist in your database.

Add Address Click this button to access a blank set of address fields in this section and add another address and tax information for a vendor. This allows you to enter multiple addresses if a vendor has multiple locations or offices.
Delete Address Click this button to delete the address that displays in the Addresses section for a vendor.

Specialty Description Grid

Field Description
Specialty Description Enter a description of the vendor's business specialty, or any other information related to the vendor.

Click Edit to use the Text Editor to enter information.