Multiple Languages and the Weblink Utility

You can specify a default language for the Weblink utility.

The Default Language drop-down list on the System Settings tab of Weblink displays all of the available languages in Ajera CRM These values are in the language of the user currently logged in to Weblink (for example, when logged into the English version, it might contain English, Spanish, and German).

This language is used to control the language used for single language databases when multiple languages are not enabled in Module Activation.

  • To display the Login and Weblink Login screens if the user's culture is not recognized and that Windows user has never logged into Ajera CRM (if that Windows user has logged into Ajera CRM previously, then the last language used is remembered).
  • To display the Login and Weblink Login screens if the user's culture is recognized, but that language is not enabled in any databases and that Windows user has never logged into Ajera CRM (if that Windows user has logged into Ajera CRM previously, then the last language used is remembered).

An Enabled Languages grid has been added to the System Settings tab of Weblink for multiple language applications. This grid displays all of the enabled languages in all databases in Ajera CRM. These values are in the language of the user currently logged into Weblink (e.g., when logged into the English version, it might contain English, Spanish, and German).

This grid also contains a Default check box, which is used to display the Login and Weblink Login screens if:

  • The user's culture is not recognized and that Windows user has never logged into Ajera CRM (if that Windows user has logged into Ajera CRM previously, then the last language used is remembered).
  • The user's culture is recognized, but that language is not enabled in any databases and that Windows user has never logged into Ajera CRM (if that Windows user has logged into Ajera CRM previously, then the last language used is remembered).