When an administrator or another supervisor/manager delegates authority to you, you have the option of acting as that supervisor.
As an acting supervisor, you can review and modify the records of another supervisor’s employees. For example, you can review the delegating supervisor’s employee timecards, approve time off requests, and run reports for the delegating supervisor’s employees.
When you Act As a delegating supervisor, you will be restricted by the Supervision Date Policy that belongs to the delegating supervisor.
To start acting as another supervisor, do one of the following:
Click Start Acting As on the Act As form.
Select a delegating supervisor’s
name from the Act As icon
When you are acting as a delegating supervisor, you will only have authority over the delegating supervisor’s employees, and will not have authority over your own employees.
To resume authority over your own employees, you must do one of the following:
Click Stop Acting As on the Act As form.
Select Stop
Acting As from the Act As
icon .
Log out of the application.
You will also resume authority over your own employees when the delegation period ends.
In order to use the Act As form or the Act As icon, the Act As form must be enabled in your Security Role.
Note: As an acting supervisor, you can create employee loan records for the delegating supervisor's employees. However, you cannot loan these employees to yourself.
Detail Form:
See Also:
Manager Num
This indicates the Person Number of the supervisor whose authority was delegated to you.
First Name
This indicates he first name of the supervisor/manager whose authority was delegated to you.
Last Name
This indicates the last name of the supervisor/manager whose authority was delegated to you.
When this box is selected, the delegation is active and you are currently acting as the supervisor listed in the record.
To start acting as another supervisor,
click the Act
As icon at the top of the application window. The names of
the supervisors who have delegated their authority to you will display.
Select the name of the supervisor you want to act as.
The application will refresh. The name of the supervisor
you are acting as will appear in parentheses next to your name at
the top of the application window.
If you are on a supervisory form (such as Supervisor Review or Time Off Review), the delegating supervisor’s employees will display on the form.
In some web browsers, the name of the supervisor you are acting as will appear in parentheses next to your own name on the browser tab. If the entire name does not display, hover over the tab with your mouse to display the information in a pop-up. Note that this feature is not available in all web browsers.
To resume authority over your own employees, select
Stop Acting As from the Act As icon .
You will also resume authority over your own employees when the delegation period ends, log out of the application, or select Stop Acting As on the Act As form.
The names in the Act As icon menu are displayed according to the Name Format Preferences setting. The names will be displayed and sorted alphabetically by first name or last name based on this Preference.
Click Main Menu > Manage > Act As.
The Act As form appears with any existing records. The grid will be empty if no supervisors/administrators have delegated authority to you. The Act As Detail tab will display information about which employees have been delegated to you.
Select the record for the Manager Num you want to act as.
Click Start Acting As to begin acting as this supervisor.
The Active box will be selected for the supervisor you are acting as.
You can only Act As one supervisor at a time. If you click the Start Acting As button while you are already acting as another supervisor, your assignment will automatically be switched.
To resume authority over your own employees, select the Active record and click Stop Acting As.
You will also resume authority over your own employees
when the delegation period ends, you log out of the application, or
you select Stop Acting As
from the Act As icon .