Detail Forms:
In the Application Settings form you can modify the application's global setting values such as https communication, trusted login, maximum records to download, and default GID/DID.
If you have more than one instance of the application server, you can change application settings for each one. For example, you may have a cluster of application servers handling terminal requests and a separate server running services. In this case you would use the Servers tab to create each instance of the application server and to configure the settings for each one.
For any application setting changes to take effect, you must log out of the application and log back in (you do not need to restart the application server).
See Also:
Application Settings Field Descriptions
List of Application Setting Types
Modify an Application Setting Value
Application Name
Identifies the application to which the Setting Type/Setting Value applies.
INTOUCH_CONNECTOR: Indicates whether the specified instance of the application server will be used to process communications with InTouch terminals.
LDAP: Application settings used when logging into Shop Floor Time with LDAP Authentication.
MOBILE: Application settings for the Mobile Web Application.
MOBILE_TIME_CLOCK: Application settings for the Time Clock form of the Mobile Client.
REPORTING_SERVER: Application settings for reports. Use these settings if you plan to create a separate instance of the application server on which to run reports. See Dedicated Reports Server for more information.
SAP_LISTENER: Shop Floor Time uses the SAP Listener to receive IDOCs from SAP. If you will be importing IDOCs from SAP, you will need to enable the SAP Listener. See SAP Interface for more information.
SERVICES: Application settings for services, which are used to transfer data between the application and external systems, and perform specific functions, such as handle the automatic posting of scheduled events, and apply a defined event-priority sequence to determine which event to post for an employee.
WEB: Application settings for the Web timecard and other forms.
WEB_SERVICES: Application settings for an external system with which Shop Floor Time communicates (e.g. Solumina or Oracle EBS).
WEB_TIME_CLOCK: Application settings for the Web Time Clock, a type of terminal that is accessed via the Web.
XML_CONNECTOR: Application settings for data collection terminals.
Setting Type, Setting Value
The Setting Type identifies the setting function.
The Setting Value depends on the Setting Type. When you modify an application setting, the Setting Value field may be a drop-down list or a text-entry field.
See List of Application Setting Types for information on each setting.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
This Setting Type is for the WEB and WEB_TIME_CLOCK applications using Trusted Login. It is also used for Single Sign On authentication.
When a user attempts to log in via Trusted Login or Single Sign On and the authentication fails, the user will be redirected to the auth_eror_url. If no auth_eror_url setting is defined, an error message will appear. For Single Sign On, the error message is User with Login Name Not Found. For Trusted Login, the error message is Invalid Person Number or Password.
If you are using Single Sign On authentication, you must enter a relative URL in the Setting Value. For example, to redirect users to the Shop Floor Time login page, enter /autotime/login?action=view. If you are using Firefox as your web browser with Single Sign On, you must also add the server name or IP address to the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris and network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris settings in about:config. For more information, see Assign the SSO Policy to Your Web Application in the SSO Policy topic.
This Setting Type is for the WEB and WEB_TIME_CLOCK applications using Trusted Login.
When Trusted Login is enabled, the auth_kaba_user setting identifies the header variable that has the login name which is used to determine who the user is and automatically authenticate them.
The person attempting to log in must have a unique Employee and Login Name in the Employee form.
Note: The Web Time Clock's Terminal Profile must have the Login Event Name field set to LOGIN_XML_PERSON_NUM if you are using trusted login.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It is the number of seconds that a CSRF token will remain active after it is validated.
For more information on this setting, refer to your Shop Floor Time Installation Guide.
The INTOUCH_CONNECTOR, SAP_LISTENER, SERVICES, and XML_CONNECTOR applications have the Setting Type "enabled." The Setting Value can be TRUE or FALSE. If the Setting Type is TRUE, the application is enabled.
Set INTOUCH_CONNECTOR to enabled/TRUE if the specified instance of the application server will be used to process communications with InTouch terminals.
Set SAP_LISTENER to enabled/TRUE if you will be importing IDOCs from SAP.
Set SERVICES to enabled/TRUE if services will be run from this application server.
Set XML_CONNECTOR to enabled/FALSE if you are not running data collection terminals from this application server.
This Setting Type is for the MOBILE and WEB applications. It only applies when use_external_sso is TRUE.
Use this setting to define a URL that will display when users log out of Shop Floor Time (and use_external_sso is TRUE). For example, you may want to direct users to your company web site, or display a page that instructs them to close the browser to fully log out.
If you leave this setting blank, the Log In page will appear when the user logs out.
This Setting Type is for the Send Feedback form.
This setting defines the email address to which the messages written in the Send Feedback form will be sent.
The default value is
If you plan to give multiple persons access to the Send Feedback form, you should change this setting to the email address of your Shop Floor Time system administrator.
This Setting Type is for the REPORTING_SERVER. It identifies the host name of the application server that will be used to process reports. See Dedicated Reports Server for more information.
By default the REPORTING_SERVER host and port are blank, indicating that reports will be processed on the same application server that is running the Shop Floor Time web application.
If you specify a host and port for the REPORTING_SERVER, then that instance of the application server will be used to process reports.
The host and port you enter for the REPORTING_SERVER must have a corresponding record defined in the Servers tab.
This Setting Type is for WEB_SERVICES.
Set this value to TRUE if you want to run your web services for an external system with which Shop Floor Time communicates (e.g. Solumina or Oracle EBS) using a secure https connection.
Use this setting to indicate which special characters may not be used in the Password field when logging into Shop Floor Time with LDAP Authentication.
Special characters such as * & | ! ( ) | , + ; > and < may create a security risk for the LDAP server. You can use the ldap_pw_restricted_char setting to prevent users from entering these characters in the Password field when logging into Shop Floor Time.
To configure this setting, enter the special characters you do not want to allow in the Password field. If a user enters any of the special characters defined in this setting, the LDAP login will fail.
Note that if a user enters any special characters that are not defined in this setting, the LDAP login will succeed. Likewise, if this setting is left blank (no characters are specified), any special character will be allowed in the Password field. In both cases, a security risk may occur.
This setting determines whether Change Password will appear on the Log In page. The Change Password option in the Log In page is used to change your password after it has been reset.
Change Password can be enabled for the Mobile Web Application and the Web application.
Set this value to True to display Change Password on the Log In page. Set this value to False if you do not want to display Change Password on the Log In page.
By default, the Change Password button will be enabled in the WEB application but disabled in the MOBILE Web Application.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It is used
by the Mobile Client to display the Terminal Location Map pop-up
form when you click the Map button in the timecard or Sign
Audit form. The Terminal Location Map will display the location of the
event posting or timecard signing.
You should use the default value for this setting unless you have a Google Maps API Key.
If you have a Google Maps API Key, you need to include the API Key in this setting.
Default value:
Setting value with a Google Maps API Key:
Replace YOUR_KEY_HERE with the API Key you obtained from Google.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It determines
the maximum number of displayed records you can download when you use
the download icon
in a form.
The max_download_records setting also determines the number that will appear in the "First xx Rows" option when you click the download option. In the illustration below, max_download_records has been set to 1000.
Note that the maximum number of records that can appear on the form is based on the max_supervisor_records setting (see below) or the number_of_records Form Setting.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It determines the maximum number of records that can be displayed on the Supervisor Review (Current Situation, Time Card Review) forms and the Broadcast Message form. The default value is 500.
These settings are for the MOBILE_TIME_CLOCK application. They define the Global Identifier and Device Identifier for the Mobile Client.
Make sure the GID and DID for the MOBILE_TIME_CLOCK in the Application Settings form are the same as the GID and DID of the Mobile Client Terminal Type in the Terminal form.
This Setting Type is for the WEB and WEB_TIME_CLOCK applications.
If you are using Single Sign On authentication for logins, this setting specifies the SSO Policy to be used for the Web or Web Time Clock.
This Setting Type is for the REPORTING_SERVER. It identifies the port number on the application server that will be used to process reports. See Dedicated Reports Server for more information.
By default the REPORTING_SERVER host and port are blank, indicating that reports will be processed on the same application server that is running the Shop Floor Time web application.
If you specify a host and port for the REPORTING_SERVER, then that instance of the application server will be used to process reports.
The host and port you enter for the REPORTING_SERVER must have a corresponding record defined in the Servers tab.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It defines the date format that must be used if your REST URL includes a date filter. If the date/time you enter in the filter is not formatted according to these settings, the date filter will not be used to obtain the report data.
The default value is yyyy-MM-dd. For example, enter posting_date=2014-10-15 for a Posting Date of Oct. 14, 2015.
This Setting Type is for the WEB application. It defines the date format that must be used if your REST URL includes a timestamp filter. If the date/time you enter in the filter is not formatted according to these settings, the date filter will not be used to obtain the report data.
The default value is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss. For example, enter timestamp=2014-10-14T07:00:00 for a timestamp of October 14, 2014 at 7:00 a.m.
This setting is for the MOBILE_TIME_CLOCK application. It is used by the Time Clock form in the Mobile Client. It indicates whether the LABOR_ALL service will be executed for each transaction that posts on the Mobile Time Clock.
Set this value to TRUE if you want the LABOR_ALL service to be executed for each transaction that posts on the Mobile Time Clock. The transactions may take slightly longer to post with this setting.
Set this value to FALSE if you do not want the LABOR_ALL service to be executed for each transaction that posts on the Mobile Time Clock. This method is the way transactions normally post from a shop floor terminal. Transactions may post more quickly with this setting.
This Setting Type is for WEB_SERVICES.
When this value is TRUE, the Login Name and Password defined in the Interface Host form must be used when communicating with a Web Service (an external system with which Shop Floor Time communicates, e.g. Solumina or Oracle EBS).
The sender_name1, sender_name2, sender_name3, and sender_name4 Setting Types are for the SAP_LISTENER application. Use these settings to define the SAP systems from which Shop Floor Time will receive IDOCs. The available options are Senders defined in the Interface Host form.
This Setting Type is for the WEB and WEB_TIME_CLOCK applications using Trusted Login.
A trusted host is a remote host from which Trusted Login to the application is allowed. If a request comes from a remote host that is found in the trusted_host Setting Value field, the user will be authenticated via the request header variable.
The setting value must be an IP address or host name. Multiple values must be comma separated.
Note: If you are using a proxy server, the IP address or host name of the Proxy Server must also be listed in the trusted_hosts Setting Value.
This Setting Type is for the MOBILE and WEB applications.
If you are configuring Shop Floor Time for Single Sign On (SSO) with SAML, change this setting to TRUE.
When use_external_sso is TRUE and a person accesses the Shop Floor Time URL, the person will be redirected to the Identity Provider login page and be able to log in using their SSO user name and password (provided the necessary Service Provider and Identity Provider are running).
The use_external_sso setting also affects what happens when a person logs out of Shop Floor Time. When use_external_sso is TRUE, the Log In and Manual Log In buttons will appear when the person logs out of Shop Floor Time.
The Log In button will log the person back into Shop Floor Time without having to enter their SSO username and password. The Manual Log In button displays the regular Shop Floor Time Log In page, where the person must use a Shop Floor Time user name and password to log into the application.
If use_external_sso is FALSE, the regular Shop Floor Time Log In page will appear, and the person will have to use a Shop Floor Time user name and password to log in.
You can configure Shop Floor Time to display a different URL when the person logs out
You can also redirect users to a different web page upon logout. For example, you may want to direct users to your company web site, or display a page that instructs them to close the browser to fully log out. To do so, use the external_sso_logout_url setting. The external_sso_logout_url will display instead of the Log In page when use_external_sso is TRUE.
These settings are the Global Identifier and Device Identifier for the WEB_TIME_CLOCK.
Make sure the GID and DID for the WEB_TIME_CLOCK in the Application Settings form are the same as the GID and DID of the Web Time Clock Terminal Type in the Terminal form.
This Setting Type is for the WEB_TIME_CLOCK. This value is used when HTTP requests are made from the Web Time Clock to the XMLLCE servlet.
If you are using a port OTHER than 8080 for the Web Time Clock, you must modify the xmllce_url setting. If the correct port number is not in this setting, the Web Time Clock will not run properly.
When you modify the xmllce_url setting, you must exit the Web Time Clock and log back in to make the change take effect. You may also have to restart the application server in order to make the change take effect.
Application Name |
Setting Type |
(Default) Setting Value |
enabled |
ldap_pw_restricted_char |
* \ + " & < > ' ( ) |
external_sso_logout_url |
login_page_change_password_enabled |
use_external_sso |
mobile_time_clock_default_did |
8003 |
mobile_time_clock_default_gid |
8000 |
run_services_synchronously |
host |
port |
enabled |
sender_name1 – sender_name4 |
enabled |
auth_error_url |
auth_kaba_user |
external_sso_logout_url |
feedback_email | |
login_page_change_password_enabled |
map_url | |
max_download_records |
1000 |
max_supervisor_records |
500 |
policy_sso |
rest_date_format |
yyyy-MM-dd |
rest_datetime_format |
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
trusted_hosts |
use_external_sso |
https |
secure |
auth_error_url |
auth_kaba_user |
policy_sso |
trusted_hosts |
web_time_clock_default_did |
8002 |
web_time_clock_default_gid |
8000 |
xmllce_url |
http://localhost:8080/XMLLCE/ |
enabled |
Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Application.
Select the setting and click Modify.
Modify the Setting Value. You cannot modify any other fields.
Click Save. You must exit the application and log back in to see the changes.