The Attendance Reward form displays the eligibility and violation records for employees that will receive Attendance Rewards. These records are generated by the ATTEDANCE_REWARD service.
This form can be used to view and download the records, grant an attendance award, and cancel an attendance award. You can also use this form to change a person’s Anchor Date, which is used to determine the period of time to create eligibility and violation records.
The Attendance Reward form is also available from Main Menu > Manage. Both forms have the same function but filter employee records differently. Supervisors who select the Attendance Reward form from the Main Menu > Manage menu will only have access to the records of employees they supervise.
See Also:
Attendance Reward Field Descriptions
Find Attendance Reward Records
Grant or Cancel an Attendance Reward
The fields that are visible by default on the Attendance Reward form are listed below. You can enable additional fields in your Form Profile as well.
Employee (Person Num)
In the filter area, you can use the Person field to find employees using their Person Num, First Name, or Last Name. You can use the * or % wildcard symbol to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose first or last name starts with the letter S, enter S* in the Person field. To find person numbers that include 007, enter *007* in the Person field.
In the middle of the form, the Employee (Person Num) and Person Name (Last Name, First Name) are shown for each record.
To view only those persons assigned to a specific Facility, select the Facility from this drop-down list.
Manager Num
Use this filter field if you only want to display the records for a specific manager’s employees.
Click the button next to the Manager Num field to display
the Select Manager pop-up form.
Show Type / Record Type
The Show Type filter field is used to limit the type of records that appear in the form for the specified Range Type.
Award – Select this option to show only the granted attendance awards in the specified date range.
Eligibility – Select this option to show only the records that are eligible to receive an award in the specified date range.
Violation – Select this option to show only the violation records in the specified date range.
Eligibility And Award – Select this option to show the records that are eligible to receive an award and the granted attendance awards in the specified date range.
Last Award And Violation – Select this option to show the most recent award and violation in the specified date range.
The Record Type column in the middle of form indicates whether the record is an Eligibility or a Violation.
Range Type
Use the Range Type filter field to specify the date range of the records you want to view. Only records with a Record Date that falls in this range will appear in the form.
When you select a Range Type, the Start Date and End Date filter fields update accordingly. If you select Specific Date Range as your Range Type, you must enter the Start Date and End Date for this range.
If you select Previous X Days, Weeks, Months, Calendar Months, or Calendar Weeks as your Range Type, you must also enter the Range Amount. For example, to display records from the last 3 Calendar Months, select Previous X Calendar Months as the Range Type and enter 3 in the Range Amount field.
You can display the Start Date and End Date in the middle of the form as well, but you will need to enable these fields in your Form Profile. See Additional Fields on the Attendance Reward Form.
Use this field to filter the Attendance Reward records by the type of supervisor the person has.
Include Direct
When this box is checked, persons that report directly to a supervisor (are members of an Employee Group of type DIRECT_MANAGER) will be displayed in the form. This box is automatically checked when you select All or Direct from the Supervision Type field.
Anchor Date
A person’s Anchor Date is used by the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service to determine a range of records that are eligible for attendance awards or have attendance violations. See How the ATTENDANCE_REWARD Service Works for more information.
The Anchor Date can be set manually on the Employee form or using an Employee Import. If a person has been processed by the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service, you can change the person’s Anchor Date in the Attendance Reward form.
Direct Supervisor
Name of the person’s direct supervisor (manager of Employee Group of type DIRECT_MANAGER).
Record Date
When the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service marks a range as eligible for an award, the Record Date will be the end date of this range.
When the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service creates a violation record, the Record Date will be the date of the transaction.
When you grant an attendance award, the award’s Record Date will be the same as the Record Date of the Eligibility record.
Violation Event
If the Record Type is Violation, this field displays the name of the event that posted for this violation record.
Leave Type Code, Balance Duration
If the Record Type is Eligibility or Award, these fields indicate the number of hours (Balance Duration) that are posted in the Leave Type Code for this attendance reward.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
The following fields can also be displayed in the middle of the Attendance Reward form. If you are planning to download the Attendance Reward records and want to include these fields, make sure they are enabled in your Form Profile.
Created By, Date Created
Date when the Attendance Reward record was created and the creator of the record.
Start Date, End Date
Date range as defined by the Range Type in the filter area.
If necessary, click the
Filter button at the top of the Attendance Reward form to display
the filter fields.
Use these fields to select the records you want to view. You will have access to employee records from multiple supervisors. You can use the Manager Num field in the Filter area to narrow your search
Click Find to display the records in the middle of the form.
You can change the number of persons whose records will appear on the Attendance Reward form by modifying the persons_per_page setting on the Form Settings form. This setting limits the number of persons whose records will appear on the Attendance Reward form, but it does not control the number of records that appear on the form. Each person can have multiple records for a given date range. All the records for each person will appear on the form.
On the Attendance Reward form, find the records you want to modify. You can set the Show Type filter field to Eligibility And Award to view only those types of records.
To grant attendance awards, select one or more ELIGIBILITY records and click the Grant Award button.
A new record with the Record Type AWARD will be created for each of the ELIGIBILITY records you selected.
The persons whose records you selected will receive the specified Balance Duration in the specified Leave Type Code. You can check these balances on the Balance tab of the Employee form.
To cancel attendance awards, select one or more AWARD records and click the Cancel Grant button.
The AWARD records you selected will be deleted.
The persons whose records you selected will have the specified Balance Duration deducted from the specified Leave Type Code. You can check these balances on the Balance tab of the Employee form.
The Anchor Date is used by the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service to determine a range of records that are eligible for attendance awards or have attendance violations.
You may want to change the Anchor Date to ensure the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service will check the appropriate transactions for eligibility and violations. For example, if you purge transactions annually, you can change the Anchor Date to a date after the person’s last award or violation.
The Anchor Date can be set on the Employee form or using the Employee Import. You can use these methods to change the Anchor Date to a specific date.
If you want to change the Anchor Date for multiple persons based on each person’s last violation or award, you can do so on the Attendance Reward form.
On the Attendance Reward form, find the records for persons whose Anchor Dates you want to change.
Each person may have multiple records on the Attendance Reward form. However, the Anchor Date is the same for all records, regardless of the Record Type or Record Date. You only need to select one record for each person whose Anchor Date you want to change.
Select the records and click the Change Anchor Date button.
Select one of the following options:
Specific Date – Use this option to select a specific date from the Select Date field.
Date after last award or violation – Use this option to change the Anchor Date to the date after the person’s last award or violation.
End of month after last award or violation – Use this option to change the Anchor Date to the last date of the month of the person’s last award or violation.
Click Save.
The new Anchor Date will appear on the Attendance Reward form.