Undoing the Posting of a Depreciation Processing Run

If needed, you can undo the posting of a depreciation processing run for your GL book or any additional books.

Undo postings in Utilities > Transactions > Undo Posting.

Although you can undo a depreciation processing run, it is not necessary to undo depreciation when you need to make a correction to depreciation that you have already run and posted. Instead, after you change the depreciation calculation in the Equipment hub for an asset item, you can rerun depreciation in the current period. DPS makes the correcting adjustments for prior periods and the current period in the current period, so that accumulated depreciation is now correct in the current period and going forward.

Although undoing the posting of a depreciation processing run is usually unnecessary because you can rerun depreciation processing instead, you can still use Undo Posting in special situations.

If you undo a depreciation processing run, you must do so in the accounting period in which depreciation was run.

When you undo a depreciation posting:

  • The journal entry for your GL book is removed.
  • The depreciation calculations are removed for additional books.
  • Entries related to the depreciation are removed from the Summary and History tabs in Asset Management > Asset Review for an asset item.