View or Print a Posting Log for Transferred or Split Asset Items

A journal entry posting log is automatically created when you process a transfer or split in Transfer/Split Processing in the Asset Management application.

To view or print the posting log that was created for a transferred or split asset item:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Transaction Center > Posting Logs.
  2. On the Posting Log form, select Journal Entries in the Transaction Type field.
  3. In the list of posting logs below the Transaction Type field, double-click the posting log that you want to view.
    • For transfers: You can find the posting log for a specific transfer by looking for the posting sequence number (which was identified on the last dialog box that displayed when you processed the transfer) in the Seq column in the posting log list. In the Comments column in the posting log list, you see the words "Transfer GL Book Processing" or "Transfer Additional Book Processing" and the transaction date that you entered for the transfer on the Transfer/Split Processing form.
    • For splits: You can find the posting log for a specific split by looking for the posting sequence number (that was identified on the last dialog box that displayed when you processed the split) in the Seq column in the posting log list. In the Comments column in the posting log list, you see the words "Split GL Book Processing" or "Transfer Additional Book Processing" and the transaction date that you entered for the split on the Transfer/Split Processing form.
  4. On the Journal Entry Posting Log dialog box, you can complete the following optional steps that may be useful if you are going to print the posting log:
    • On the General tab, change the name of the posting log report in the Report Name field.
    • On the Layout tab, make any changes to the report layout, such as margins, numeric, date, and currency formatting, page orientation, and so on.
  5. On the Journal Entry Posting Log dialog box, click Run to display the report on your screen.
  6. To print the report, click the Printer icon on the toolbar of the displayed report.