Generate the Bank Reconciliation Report

The Bank Reconciliation report lists all cleared and uncleared receipts and payments, a summary of imported bank transactions, and entered miscellaneous amounts (such as bank fees and interests).

This report also lists the account summary as shown on the Bank Statement Reconciliation form.

The report should tie out in one of the following two ways:

  • Closing Balance = Closing balance on the bank’s statement.
  • Closing Balance + Uncleared Balance = Balance for the bank code account number in the general ledger.

If you use multiple currencies, all amounts in bank reconciliation display in the currency of the account associated with the bank code.

To generate the Bank Reconciliation report:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation.
  2. On the Bank Statement Selection dialog box, use the dialog box options to select the statement for which you want to generate the report.
  3. On the Bank Statement Reconciliation form, click the Print button to generate the Bank Reconciliation report.