Contents of the Match Transactions Dialog Box

Use the fields to match posted bank records with a transaction that has been imported.


Field Description
Select Click this check box to match the suggestion with the imported bank transaction. The suggestions are posted bank records that fall within the parameters set on the Matching Suggestion dialog box. The parameters define which records should be considered as suggestions based on the difference of the number of days, or on the difference of the amount between the posted record and the imported bank record.
Type This field displays the transaction type of the posted record. The transaction type is the same as the posting log transaction type.
Number This column displays the reference number entered for the posted transactions. For example, for checks, this is the check number.
Description This column displays the description of the posted transaction.
Date This column displays the transaction date of the posted transaction.
Amount This column displays the amount in the bank's currency. The amount reflects a positive value for both receipts and payments.


Field Description
Select Click this option to match the posted record with the imported bank transaction.
Type This field displays the transaction type.
Number This column displays the reference number entered for the transactions. For example, for checks, this is the check number.
Description This column shows the description of the posted transaction.
Date This column displays the transaction date of the posted transaction.
Amount This column displays the amount in the bank's currency. The amount reflects a positive value for both receipts and payments.
Field Description
Show Matched Transactions Select this option to display posted records that already match an imported transaction. It is possible for a posted transaction to match more than one imported record.
Show Receipts and Payments Select this option to display records posted as receipts and payments in separate columns. When cleared, only posted payment records for an imported payment record and posted receipt records for an imported receipt record display.