Set Up Accounting

Use the Accounting page to review and modify your accounts, establish your bank accounts, and set parameters for accounting postings.

Set up Accounting in the desktop application. Accounting has multiple menu options, each focused on a different area. The fields are pre-populated with default entries based on the options you selected during activation. We recommend you keep the default settings in each area, but you may need to change items that need to be specialized for your enterprise.

Review the default settings in each area and update any fields as needed. You can modify any fields and implement advanced features later in DPS Settings after the setup process is complete.

Menu Item Description
Chart of Accounts Use this option to review the preset default accounts for your firm. You can rename, add, or delete accounts.

See the Chart of Accounts Settings help topic for more information.

Company Use this option to review and update the default settings.

See the Accounting Company Settings help topic for more information.

Taxes Use this option to set up the tax codes that are used to calculate taxes throughout DPS.

See the Tax Code Settings help topic for more information.

Banks Use this option to set up the bank codes your enterprise uses.

See the Bank Codes Setup help topic for more information.

Company AP Use this option to set up company-wide accounts payable features, including default payment terms, liability codes, vendor types, and discount codes.

See the Company Accounts Payable Settings help topic for more information.

Accounts Receivable Use this option to set up the AR Ledger report and to set up mapping accounts for invoices and accounts receivable.

See the Accounts Receivable Settings help topic for more information.