AR and BTD Tab of Billing Terms

Use the AR & BTD tab to indicate the accounts receivable information and billed-to-date information that you want to include on invoices.

DPS displays the information that you select in an additional Outstanding Invoices section or Billings to Date section.

This tab is available at the project, phase and task level of your work breakdown structure (WBS), but only the Interest and Grace Period fields are available for data entry at the phase and task level. The settings on this tab do not apply to credit memos.

If you have set up default billing terms in Configuration > Billing > Default Terms, those settings prefill in the fields on this tab when you set up billing terms for the first time for a project. You can change the prefilled settings as needed.

Invoice Terms Section

Field Description
Interest Enter the interest rate charged each period on overdue invoices for the project. Enter it as a percentage. For example, enter 10 percent as 10.000.
Grace Period Enter the number of days after which overdue invoices become subject to interest charges. The end of the grace period is calculated based on the invoice date. If you have due dates for invoices, be sure you allow for the difference between the invoice date and the due date when determining the length of the grace period.
Days Before Due Enter the number of days after the invoice date or the period end date that the invoice is due for payment. When you make an entry in this field, DPS enables the following options, along with the Display Due Date on Invoice check box:
  • From Invoice Date — Select this option to calculate due dates by adding the number of days in Days Before Due to the invoice date.
  • From Period End Date — Select this option to calculate due dates by adding the number of days in Days Before Due to the period end date.

DPS uses these settings to assign due dates to invoices that you generate from Interactive Billing or Batch Billing.

Display Due Date on Invoice Select this check box to include the due date on the invoice.

AR Printing Section

Field Description
Project AR Select this check box to display a list of outstanding accounts receivable at the project level of the WBS in an additional Outstanding Invoices section on the invoice.
Phase AR Select this check box to print accounts receivable breakout at the phase level, regardless of whether you have tasks, in an Outstanding Invoices section of an invoice.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with at least two levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases.

AR Breakout Select this check box to show accounts receivable at the lowest level of the current project's WBS for a project with three WBS levels. For example, if a project has three phases and phase 1 and 2 have two tasks, but phase 3 has no tasks, DPS breaks detail out to the task level for phases 1 and 2, and breaks detail out to the phase level for phase 3. DPS prints phase and task detail in the Outstanding Invoices section of an invoice.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

AR Phase Totals Select this option to print accounts receivable subtotals as the last section for the specific phase, calculating totals for each phase by adding the total accounts receivable amounts for each phase's tasks. DPS calculates and prints an Outstanding Invoices section for each phase that has detail at the task level, adding the total of all task detail to the appropriate phase's Outstanding Invoices section.

This option is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. This option is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

Billed-to-Date Printing Section

Field Description
Project Billed-to-Date Select this check box to print the billed-to-date amounts at the project level of the WBS in an additional Billings to Date invoice section on an invoice.
Phase Billed-to-Date Select this check box to print the billed-to-date amounts at the phase level, in an invoice section called Billings to Date, for all phases, regardless of whether task detail exists.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with at least two levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases.

Billed-to-Date Breakout Select this check box to show billed-to-date amounts at the lowest level of the current project's WBS for a project with three WBS levels. DPS prints each project's phase and task detail in a section called Billings to Date.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

Billed-to-Date Phase Totals Select this check box to print billed-to-date subtotals for each phase by adding the total billed-to-date amounts for each phases's tasks. DPS prints the subtotal beneath the task breakout in each project's Billings to Date section.

This check box is available only if the project is set up with three levels of WBS. It is not available if you select Consolidate Printing of Phases or Consolidate Printing of Tasks.

Billed-to-Date Received Total Select this check box to print the total payments (or amount) that has been received in each project's Billings to Date section.
Billed-to-Date AR Balance Select this check box to print the total amount of all outstanding invoices for the project in the project's Billings to Date section.