Set Up Alerts for Transaction Entry Form Rejected
Transaction Entry Form Rejected alerts notify requesters that their requests have been rejected. You specify who receives the alert, when, and under what conditions.
You can edit this alert only if the
Enable transaction center approvals option is selected on the Transaction Center Approvals tab of the Accounting Company Settings form ( ).
The alert's recipient must have security access rights to the specified type of transaction for the hyperlink to open the Transaction Posting application. You define transaction security rights on the Accounting Tab of the Roles form (Full Access to All Transaction Types option or use the Transaction Type grid to select the Post option for the company and type of transaction.
). On this tab, you must select theTo set up Transaction Entry Form Rejected alerts:
- On the Navigation menu, click .
- In the Folders field on the Company Alerts Configuration form, select Transaction Center.
- In the Alerts grid, select the row that displays Transaction Entry Form Rejected in the Alert field.
- Select the Active option to enable the alert. If no rules exist for this alert, the Active option is disabled.
Options to select an existing alert rule or to create a new rule. If a rule was already assigned to this alert, <options selected> displays in this field.
- To remove the option for this alert, delete <options selected>.