Auto Numbering

The automatic numbering feature automatically generates an identification number for new records created in many hubs, in Chart of Accounts Settings, and in User Defined Components.

You can define the structure of the identification numbers to match your business requirements. The hubs that use auto numbering are Projects, Employees, Firms, Opportunities, Marketing Campaigns, and Equipment.

You enable automatic numbering for records on the Numbering tab of the General System Settings form in Settings > General > General System.

When you enable auto numbering for a hub and you enter a new record in the hub, the number field for the record prefills with [AUTONUMBER]. When you save the record, the next auto-assigned number prefills in the number field. You can change the prefilled number only if the Allow Override of Auto Number option is selected for the hub on the Numbering tab of the General System Settings form.

An identification number is also generated when you create a new record in any of the following ways:

  • Click New on the Dashboard.
  • Copy another record.
  • Click the New button in a different hub.
  • Use a template.
  • Copy an opportunity to create a project.

When you use automatic numbering for the Equipment hub, the automatic numbers are also assigned for equipment items that are automatically generated from Purchasing records and Accounts Payable vouchers.

The auto numbering functionality does not work when a project is created from a project plan because the project, phase, and task numbers must be mapped in Planning before the project record is actually created.

If DPS is set to create an auto number but, for some reason, is unable to generate one, a message displays stating that an auto number cannot be generated and you are prompted to enter one manually. This occurs even if DPS is configured not to allow overriding of the number.

If your firm uses multiple companies, you configure auto numbering at the system level so that it applies to all companies in your enterprise.